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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 101 - 150 of 549 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Torbran Edh senor lobowwz 10/14/2019
Temur Midrange That Dude Over There 10/11/2019
stuff Octathorpo 9/18/2019
Gimli Burn VoidmageGamer 9/17/2019
Red Skies (Izzet Flyers Control) Mikoyan01 9/8/2019
Wizards Adam Bloomer 9/8/2019
Rakdos Destruction LegionDoom 9/8/2019
Izzet Spell Cast LegionDoom 9/5/2019
Scion of the Ur Dragon Atarka 9/2/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Justin Elkins SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
This is Fine RevenantSoulz 8/26/2019
R/B Bags MaxBrews 8/20/2019
RG Aggro crash_test 8/16/2019
lady in red wigtwist 8/11/2019
Niv Miz EDH reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 8/6/2019
Mono-Red Aggro-Burn (Rotation Proof) golgariassassin666 8/1/2019
Mono-Red Phoenix Dennis Mathes SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 7/28/2019 17th-32nd 7/29/2019
mayhem priest wigtwist 7/27/2019
matthew wants asdf 7/25/2019
Mono-Red Phoenix Joe Ambrosio SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 2nd 7/23/2019
Mono-Red Phoenix Kyle Lerch SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 17th-32nd 7/22/2019
Spectacle Technolology 7/18/2019
Rakdos Wheeling Yavic 7/16/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Dalton Lawrence SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 33rd-64th 7/15/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Carlos Fontes SCG Open Standard - Worcester - 7/14/2019 17th-32nd 7/15/2019
Izzet Dis Control Thopter75 7/5/2019
Rakdos Burn BasicSwamp 7/2/2019
UR Delver DildoBaggins 7/1/2019
Izzet Counter Burn TigerBen 6/22/2019
Izzet crackling thud. Agressive perfector 6/21/2019
Hi Jack! atmo 6/19/2019
Searing Smite Myldias 6/17/2019
Runaway Phoenix Chobeslayer 6/16/2019
Mono-Red Aggo cdog222 6/12/2019
8-Whack GearsGames 6/10/2019
Red burn/haste reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 6/6/2019
RB Burn GearsGames 6/3/2019
Mono-Red Burn (Budget-ish) 19 lander 6/2/2019
Cavalclade of Goblins TBeezy 6/2/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Benjamin Handziak SGC Classic Standard - Louisville - 5/26/2019 5th-8th 5/27/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Domiano Altieri SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Justin Elkins SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Bryant Cook SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Christophe Kucera SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Charles Ames SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Michael Egolf SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Robert Walsh SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Dale Gigliotti SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 9th-16th 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Drake Sasser SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Mono-Red Aggro Bob Martin SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 33rd-64th 5/20/2019

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