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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1301 - 1350 of 1713 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/B Control RobustMongoloid MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/8-2/14 2/12/2016
W/B Control anya25 MTGO Standard Daily (4-0): 2/8-2/14 2/12/2016
Esp Control jrozier1532 2/11/2016
Soulfire jrozier1532 2/11/2016
Jund Megamorph HyperNVs301 2/8/2016
Black Glass 2.0 geargolem 2/6/2016
W/B Tokens BornInABox MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Jund Midrange TheDragonSlayer MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Mardu Midrange Cherkbutt MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
W/B Tokens TBS MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Mardu Midrange edgeberry111 MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Mardu Green marobaro MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Jeskai Black Andy_Peters MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Mardu Green shirion MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/1-2/7 2/5/2016
Mardu Green Ali Aintrazi 2/2/2016
Mardu Green Ali Aintrazi 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 2/2/2016
Abzan Anti-Rally sjgreybar 2/1/2016
Mardu Green Shawn Cyr 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 2/1/2016
Mardu Green John Taylor 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 2/1/2016
Mardu Green Scott Pulera 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 2/1/2016
Mardu Green Boris Pan 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 9th-16th 2/1/2016
W/B Control Raja Sulaiman 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Columbus - 1/30 5th-8th 2/1/2016
Russian Ally AlexeySemka 2/1/2016
Black Glass Control geargolem 2/1/2016
Madru Control HyperNVs301 1/30/2016
Jund Midrange hearshotkid02 1/30/2016
B/G Zulaport Sacrifice fatal_jmj 1/30/2016
Eldrazi Rock sir coleridge 1/30/2016
FNM (2016/01/29) - 1st DemonicSei 1/29/2016
B/W Life estuey 1/28/2016
Four-Color Tokens J_Vista8 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/28/2016
B/R Midrange psiqueatog84 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/28/2016
B/W Superfriends Tedpanic (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/28/2016
B/W Superfriends robb1987 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/28/2016
Five-Color Control jimykid86 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Esper Tokens Dronny (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
B/W Superfriends Bodoro (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Esper Superfriends Saeki (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Esper Tokens NxTGeN (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
B/G Aristocrats Hovsgaard (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Mardu Midrange klupicki (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Mardu Tokens mm3mozu (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
B/W Superfriends Haindar (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Four-Color Rally XxLuchesixX (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/27/2016
Mardu Blue Jarvis Yu 2016 Super Sunday Series Championship 1/25/2016
Abzan Aggro Roderick Ioerger 2016 Super Sunday Series Championship 1/25/2016
Grixis Control Ignacio Barbero 2016 Super Sunday Series Championship 1/25/2016
B/W Superfriends Jeff Hoogland 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 1/23 9th-16th 1/25/2016
Red Rhino bibo 1/24/2016
BW :D teast 1/24/2016

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