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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 543 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
ElfWave DeliriumOfHate 7/30/2012
Elves Lukas Maurer 2012 Grand Prix Ghent - 7/21 2nd 7/26/2012
Budget archer tribal Dunkalax 4/22/2012
Zoo Extinguisher 4/13/2012
elf archers Funkboy111 4/12/2012
Elves thelemac 3/13/2012
-- Furwin's Want List -- Furwin 2/13/2012
Blown Away rdmcabee 1/14/2012
Overlord Deck v2 WilofDragon 1/1/2012
Ezuri Beleynn 1/1/2012
Overlord Deck WilofDragon 12/29/2011
Budget EDh Triston 11/21/2011
elf deck karl 11/15/2011
Elf Combo Floripa NEANDERTAL 10/20/2011
Bant Aggro PauloRolim (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/19/11 9/23/2011
Cube Draft Lancaster 7/12/2011
Dark Bant ChrisM 6/27/2011
Elf Deck (Help?) LittleMinki 6/22/2011
omsf Benjamin1995 6/15/2011
Elvish Archers r.j.fischer 6/12/2011
BG Zombie Elf darkeangel 6/1/2011
Swan-Elves KidoftheThird 5/23/2011
Bant bh13 5/16/2011
elfs LONGER_TOM 4/5/2011
Elves Socratez MTGO Extended PTQ 3/20/11 3/22/2011
Elves Socratez MTGO Extended PTQ - 3/20/11 5th-8th 3/22/2011
booster valthior 3/9/2011
Naya Taylor Stonestreet 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Northbrook (2/26) 5th-8th 3/8/2011
Fauna Junk hemme1m 12/29/2010
Elvish Diversity umad? 12/24/2010
Doran Aggro TheWierdo 11/21/2010
Elf/Warrior Budget (sb?) JiangWei23 11/17/2010
Cube 10/18/10 tahulo1 10/14/2010
elf lord Boss_Boggart 9/9/2010
Archers on your back guano 8/6/2010
elf green jordman 7/19/2010
Spike-Prototype v2.0 hughes86 6/27/2010
bgw aggro (cmnt plz) vaporize2004 6/22/2010
xcgs codmode24 5/31/2010
Bugged Rain of arrows popifresco 5/26/2010
Jund Pinger - Help! e10nd0r 5/24/2010
Naya Collar jtalsky 5/20/2010
Gilt-Leaf Warriors JiangWei23 5/5/2010
Eldrazi Green Gooey Kablooie 4/25/2010
tap=>damage=>deathtouch bullgaria 4/20/2010
Bond RoE travisty 4/15/2010
Eldrazi Green Comment!! nghekman 4/3/2010
Eldrazi Green nghekman 3/25/2010
Manual Removal travisty 3/23/2010
Elves! prowess 3/23/2010

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