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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 951 - 1000 of 7077 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Gruul Aggro DIbarros22 MTGO Standard Premier - 6/24/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
Jund Aggro The_Smasher MTGO Standard Premier - 6/24/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
Gruul Aggro TheNoodle812 MTGO Standard Premier - 6/24/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
American Control Born2Win MTGO Standard Premier - 6/24/13 3rd-4th 7/3/2013
American Midrange Bluecry MTGO Standard Premier - 5593409 - 6/22/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
American Control bratschnik MTGO Standard Premier - 5593409 - 6/22/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
Gruul Aggro hot_milk MTGO Standard Premier - 5593409 - 6/22/13 2nd 7/3/2013
American Midrange BigAnnie MTGO Standard Premier - 5593390 - 6/22/13 5th-8th 7/3/2013
Naya Humans ThomasH MTGO Standard Premier - 5593390 - 6/22/13 1st 7/3/2013
Diego's cards 2 DiegoRJ 7/3/2013
Mono Red Dicewraith 7/3/2013
izzet 2.0 madnessclown 7/2/2013
boros angel sdnelson79 7/2/2013
Gruul Aggro David Wu Standard Silver TCQ - Manchester, NH - 6/30/13 2nd 7/2/2013
Naya Midrange Joseph Trinidad Standard Silver TCQ - Glenview, IL - 6/30/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
Grixis Control Ed White Standard Silver TCQ - Glenview, IL - 6/30/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
American Midrange Nathan “Powder” Ward Standard Silver TCQ - Manteca, CA - 6/29/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
Naya Aggro Ryan Owens Standard Silver TCQ - Manteca, CA - 6/29/13 3rd-4th 7/2/2013
Naya Midrange Iris Santos Standard Silver TCQ - Manteca, CA - 6/29/13 3rd-4th 7/2/2013
Jund Midrange Steven Moerke Standard Silver TCQ - Madison, WI - 6/29/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
Naya Midrange Andrew Manthei Standard Silver TCQ - Madison, WI - 6/29/13 2nd 7/2/2013
American Midrange Alex Godlewski Standard Silver TCQ - Madison, WI - 6/29/13 3rd-4th 7/2/2013
Boros Aggro Jonathan Vega Standard Silver TCQ - Fayetteville, NC - 6/29/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
BR Zombies Kwayne Kennedy Standard Silver TCQ - Fayetteville, NC - 6/29/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
Jund Midrange Michael Alvarez Standard Silver TCQ - Fayetteville, NC - 6/29/13 5th-8th 7/2/2013
Naya Humans Robby Ruebel Standard Silver TCQ - Fayetteville, NC - 6/29/13 3rd-4th 7/2/2013
PvPBro Kendr 7/2/2013
USA control plazma 7/2/2013
grixis super friends DM Alcontrol 7/2/2013
Budget Werewolves Areiz 7/2/2013
It Burns When I Extort Puresteel 7/2/2013
Naya Midrange ariscotle 7/1/2013
R/U/G GO! letterkilled 7/1/2013
Rakdos Sligh standard m14 CannibalChris 7/1/2013
American Midrange Samuel Tharmaratnam 2013 Grand Prix Miami - 6/29 5th-8th 7/1/2013
Gruul Aggro Christoffer Larsen 2013 Grand Prix Miami - 6/29 5th-8th 7/1/2013
Glory for the Winners Kendr 7/1/2013
Jund Aggro Bob Ferris 2013 TCGplayer Open 5K - Madison 5th-8th 7/1/2013
Gruul Aggro Alfredo Ordobez 2013 TCGplayer Open 5K - Madison 3rd-4th 7/1/2013
Grixis Control Depian 7/1/2013
Murica Control stowens 7/1/2013
Izzet Control kylemcdonald 7/1/2013
red black EnErVaTioNz 6/30/2013
izzet madnessclown 6/30/2013
Nivix Blitz omok23 (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
Jund Midrange TyminPatience (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
American Midrange BigAnnie (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
American Control corvo111 (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
American Midrange Azoker (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
American Midrange marcelo bacana (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013

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