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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 470 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Artifact EDH MrBojangles626 7/21/2010
[EDH] Sen Triplets e10nd0r 7/12/2010
legendary 6angels 7/8/2010
Sen Triplets EDH Storm Crow 7/6/2010
Hellogoodbye Overlordglen 7/2/2010
Esper deck: Help fallinmor 6/23/2010
Sen Triplets EDH drruler 6/22/2010
Esper Aggro airbreaker 6/21/2010
Esper help want better acelionheart 6/20/2010
Artificial Intelligence hydra1122 6/17/2010
muter bam 6/12/2010
big artifacts bam 6/12/2010
Omega Control TempusOfGrix 5/31/2010
Esper Control Hizaki 5/27/2010
Esper artifact control lighting_tiger 5/23/2010
Spreading Ultimatum spoils 5/22/2010
Transmute Time proto-ct87 5/21/2010
Esper Artifacts chaos mange 5/14/2010
bounce control TheGrimace 5/9/2010
Artifact Control Dablosnic 5/8/2010
Lost Artifacts dragondevon23 5/7/2010
ROE Spread Em zer0bit 4/28/2010
Sell ropyopanop 4/15/2010
Playable Allies northerncali 4/12/2010
My Allies northerncali 4/12/2010
Esper Control forteanubis 4/3/2010
Esper Artifacts bullgaria 4/2/2010
5 Color Cascade vreazan 3/29/2010
5 colour somethingComment Avarice711 3/27/2010
Esper Artifact Creatures GiantCollossus 3/25/2010
Esper Artifact Sprock 3/23/2010
Cascade nerdking5800 3/22/2010
Open the Vaults Richard_Akers MTGO Standard Premier - 3/13 2nd 3/16/2010
clasic Esper bedo54 3/14/2010
Sphinx Assault Blacklight52 3/11/2010
Arty-Fact Coon-Troll v2 scalabrine44 3/11/2010
Sen Control selco 3/4/2010
Esper Artifact Control selco 3/4/2010
Esper Control selco 2/27/2010
Big Crusher azhurea 2/24/2010
Sphinxs Ducky1 2/24/2010
Esper aggro help samster712 2/23/2010
Mindlock Artifacts steel1987 2/23/2010
Artifacts - V2 (Comment) mcdc 2/21/2010
Esper Artifacts - Comment mcdc 2/19/2010
Artifacts in Standard? Thedndnerd 2/16/2010
Esper Ascension (comment) Code-G 2/15/2010
trip meddling nudes 2/4/2010
Sharuum the Hegemon GFireflyE 2/3/2010
Esper Artifact CampinCarl73 1/31/2010

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