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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3101 - 3150 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Control astronauts_ MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Sultai Control StarBeryl MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Grixis Control WinRyder MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Mono-Blue Faeries Darthkid MTGO Pauper Challenge - 08/20/18 17th-32nd 8/22/2018
Izzet Blitz pinato MTGO Pauper Challenge - 08/20/18 9th-16th 8/22/2018
Mono-Blue Faeries Mezzel MTGO Pauper Challenge - 08/20/18 1st 8/22/2018
Talrand, Cantrip Tribal Erebraw 8/21/2018
Esper Maul 8/20/2018
W/U Stoneblade Tyler Thomas SCG Classic Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Grixis Control Curtis Goolsby SCG Classic Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Miracles Turner Madick SCG Classic Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Grixis Control Travis Savage SCG Classic Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 2nd 8/20/2018
U/R Wizards Christian Stewart SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
U/R Wizards Jake Rutkowski SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 08/19/2018 3rd-4th 8/20/2018
W/U Stoneblade Darin Minard SCG Team Open Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Grixis Control James Sung SCG Team Open Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Esper Stoneblade Tyler Wiggins SCG Team Open Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Grixis Delver Aaron Rubin SCG Team Open Legacy - Dallas - 08/19/2018 5th-8th 8/20/2018
U/R Madcap Moon Jack Chapman SCG Team Open Modern - Dallas - 08/19/2018 9th-16th 8/20/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow Scappie MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 17th-32nd 8/20/2018
WU Control wumbowizard MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 17th-32nd 8/20/2018
WU Control McWinSauce MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 5th-8th 8/19/2018
UR Control MAXBV MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 5th-8th 8/19/2018
WU Control FEJK MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 1st 8/19/2018
Edric, Comptroller of Trest Erebraw 8/19/2018
U/B Maul 8/19/2018
U/R Maul 8/19/2018
Grixis Maul 8/19/2018
U/B Miracles @Manong Counter 8/19/2018
Jeskai Saheeli Janh MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
Grixis Death's Shadow NuBlkAu MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
Temur Scapeshift demondevon MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
U/R Control TSPJendrek MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
Jeskai Control bobinchese MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
U/R Delver menp777 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
W/U Control FEJK MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
Temur Control Stormloc 8/17/2018
Thopter Aggro m_mollica 8/17/2018
Izzet combo Airkewld38 8/17/2018
Merflok Commander NutYT 8/17/2018
Memnarch, Stealer of Games TinDaddy091 8/16/2018
Esper Stoneblade _maddy MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/11/2018 8/16/2018
Miracles Beest MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 17th-32nd 8/16/2018
Grixis Control Hoey07 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 17th-32nd 8/16/2018
Sultai Control ZYURYO MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 17th-32nd 8/16/2018
Miracles jbmage MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 17th-32nd 8/16/2018
Miracles SniffyTheMouse MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 17th-32nd 8/16/2018
U/R Delver kugyo MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 9th-16th 8/16/2018
Grixis Control nathansteuer MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 9th-16th 8/16/2018
Grixis Delver 3minem MTGO Legacy Challenge: 08/13/2018 2nd 8/16/2018

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