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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5851 - 5900 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
All in coral helm combo dudeface 10/20/2015
Tutelage aalistor 10/20/2015
Dragon Tribal aalistor 10/20/2015
Esper controle rifeddeadman 10/20/2015
Esper Deathblade linkdafourf 10/20/2015
Gideon's Domain laineithman 10/18/2015
Jeskai Control kiwibeast1 10/18/2015
Izzet Delver jrbryant315 10/18/2015
4C Gifts 2015 Bjornthejesus 10/16/2015
Surrak Flash Chromatone 10/16/2015
Scapeshift linkdafourf 10/15/2015
Wanderer Multi d3@th 10/15/2015
Grixis Cruel TYBG 10/15/2015
Esper Delve pacoelflaco (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/5/15 10/14/2015
Scapeshift PabuBoy (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/5/15 10/14/2015
U/W Control Kerrick_ (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/5/15 10/14/2015
Defector Top aalistor 10/14/2015
Miracles Sam Tuell 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 10/11 3rd-4th 10/12/2015
Miracles Shawn Chen 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 10/11 9th-16th 10/12/2015
Miracles Tan Le 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 10/11 9th-16th 10/12/2015
Splinter Twin Samir Black 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Atlanta - 10/11 9th-16th 10/12/2015
Bring to light gifts JAmes72899 10/11/2015
UW Control Modern Dioguc 10/10/2015
Sultai Control John Kozniak MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 10/3/15 5th-8th 10/10/2015
Grixis Delve Ramius Pruiss MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 10/3/15 5th-8th 10/10/2015
Jeskai Control Vintage JAmes72899 10/10/2015
Miracles 2.0 JAmes72899 10/10/2015
UWR Dioguc 10/9/2015
U/W Midrange _Nukesaku_ 2015 Magic Online PTQ - 10/4 9th-16th 10/8/2015
Splinter Twin Navas 2015 Magic Online PTQ - 10/4 5th-8th 10/8/2015
Grixis Twin Fastfake 2015 Magic Online PTQ - 10/4 3rd-4th 10/8/2015
Grixis Delver CalebD (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/28/15 10/8/2015
Scapeshift Alexandrino (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/28/15 10/8/2015
Gifts 2 rifeddeadman 10/7/2015
Noyan Dar Roilstorm Ctrl WriterofWrong 10/7/2015
Evil twin (BFZ) dragonmaster22 10/7/2015
8 shift BFZ aalistor 10/7/2015
Jeskai Control Alan Myers MaxPoint Platinum - Victory Comics - 10/3/15 5th-8th 10/7/2015
Temur Twin Abraham Clayman MaxPoint Platinum - Victory Comics - 10/3/15 5th-8th 10/7/2015
budget grixis delver spinozz 10/7/2015
grixis delver spinozz 10/7/2015
nostalgia.deck gamemfreak 10/7/2015
Aggro Days swagon 10/6/2015
Grixis Delver Matthew Brown 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/4 3rd-4th 10/5/2015
Miracles Steven Hendrickson 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/4 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Splinter Twin Victor Logan 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Indianapolis - 10/4 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Grixis Twin Joshua Satterfield 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Indianapolis - 10/4 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Grixis Twin Andrew Sparger 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Indianapolis - 10/4 9th-16th 10/5/2015
Simic Counters Winters 10/5/2015
Solar Flare BFZ aalistor 10/5/2015

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