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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 801 - 850 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Talrand, Sky Summoner Justin Ward 10/2/2019
Testing ColdSpare 9/26/2019
American Aggro Whitewolf 9/26/2019
Bolas Control Homelander 9/25/2019
Cromat and Friends Dreadx_xPirate 9/24/2019
Lavinia edh kooba3 9/24/2019
Jeskai Mentor Zach Allen 9/19/2019
Four-Color Control Aiden Brier 9/19/2019
Grixis Death's Shadow arcto 9/17/2019
Jeskai mystictempo despreocuperro 9/14/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Do0mSwitch MTGO Modern Playoff - 09/07/2019 5th-8th 9/11/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Alvas MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 2nd 9/11/2019
Azorius Stoneblade MaLiam MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 9th-16th 9/11/2019
Azorius Control WhiTe TsaR MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/2019 9th-16th 9/11/2019
Esper Fae-Blade Goon Sharp 9/11/2019
Blue Moon 1.0 Reaprepeater38 9/10/2019
Grixis Pyromancer TuesdayTastic 9/10/2019
Esper Stoneblade 2.0 Yan 9/9/2019
Mono Blue Ponza Meryn 9/9/2019
Grixis Death’s Shadow Jon Hobbs MagicFest Indianapolis 2019 3rd-4th 9/9/2019
Azorius Stoneblade Joseph Bernal MagicFest Indianapolis 2019 2nd 9/9/2019
Jeskai Stoneblade Joseph Karani MagicFest Indianapolis 2019 1st 9/9/2019
Arcanis Commander Zylefer 9/7/2019
UW Control Logic 9/7/2019
dreadhorde shadow Richy0rich 9/7/2019
keep america great Richy0rich 9/7/2019
Bug SebastianSnek 9/7/2019
Grixis Death's Shadow Dexta MTGO Modern MCQ - 09/01/2019 5th-8th 9/6/2019
Azorius Control McWinSauce MTGO Modern MCQ - 09/01/2019 3rd-4th 9/6/2019
Jeskai Tempo im2g00t4ubarn MTGO Modern MCQ - 09/01/2019 3rd-4th 9/6/2019
Modern Lejay Turns 9/18 BoomBoomStormCloud 9/5/2019
Bant Geistblade Myyt 9/5/2019
Copy Cat D00mwake 9/4/2019
Grixis Death's Shadow Azax 9/4/2019
S02E09 - Inalla Playing With Power MTG 9/3/2019
Legacy - John's Stoneblade Night Walker 9/3/2019
Hedron powder crash_test 9/2/2019
Azorius Control Pete Ingram SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 9/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Azorius Control Jacob Nordin SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 9/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Grixis Death's Shadow Russel Lee SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 9/01/2019 3rd-4th 9/2/2019
Esper Stoneblade Meryn 9/2/2019
Azorius Control Thomas Shillingburg SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 08/18/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Azorius Control Mitchell Forst SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 08/18/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Miracles kooba3 9/1/2019
yhjk cactusabc234 9/1/2019
Esper Control arcto 8/31/2019
4c Control MoxAmethyst 8/31/2019
Azorious Stoneblade MoxAmethyst 8/31/2019
S02E10 - Inalla Playing With Power MTG 8/30/2019
W/U Control McWinSauce 8/29/2019

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