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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4901 - 4950 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Miracles Joe Lossett SCG Classic Legacy - Milwaukee - 10/23/16 3rd-4th 10/24/2016
Grixis Delver Matt Vernon SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
Jeskai Flash James Johnson SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 5th-8th 10/24/2016
Rise and Shine DatConsuelaz 10/20/2016
Domain Midrange DatConsuelaz 10/20/2016
Cube Raum_ 10/20/2016
Titan Threat Tynche2040 10/19/2016
Hanna, Ship's Navigator commander paulallan82 10/18/2016
Jeskai Ascendancy Midrange RustyBanana5 10/18/2016
UWR delver greasemonkey 10/18/2016
Uwr flash Robsmashh 10/18/2016
Grixis Control pellenik MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/17/2016
Sultai Control Simayamanuma 10/17/2016
U/r delver Robsmashh 10/15/2016
Jori En, Ruin Diver - Tiny Commander Bou 10/14/2016
UR Kiki Moon mattiraula 10/13/2016
BUG Control Shoe555 MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/12/2016
Miracles Morticiansunion MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/12/2016
Miracles Egget MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/12/2016
Grixis Delver Kevin Jones 2016 World Magic Cup Qualifier 1st 10/11/2016
Jeskai Control Rainmaker 10/10/2016
U/W/R Control xxeternalmisey666xx 10/9/2016
Control Dragons greasemonkey 10/9/2016
UB Control Edhelthurin 10/9/2016
Torrential Blue Moon shiwei87RonTan 10/8/2016
Miracles wakarock MTGO Competitive Legacy League (5-0): 10/3-10/9 1st 10/6/2016
High Tide Garruk_Cat 10/6/2016
W/U Gifts Tron Corbin Hosler 10/6/2016
BUG Flayer The Kid 10/6/2016
Miracles Lordofthepit23 10/4/2016
Miracles Lordofthepit23 10/4/2016
Mono-Blue Delver Jake Willingham SCG Classic Modern 10/2/16 9th-16th 10/3/2016
U/R Delver Matthew Brown SCG Classic Legacy - Indianapolis - 10/02/16 5th-8th 10/3/2016
UB Teachings JAmes1099 9/30/2016
Defiant Delver of Saint Traft Michael O'Toole 9/27/2016
Mono Blue Delver CRUELHAND 9/25/2016
Mono Blue Delver RustyBanana5 9/25/2016
UR Delver 1 RustyBanana5 9/25/2016
Temur Midrange Mig 9/25/2016
Temur Timeshift CrazyVictini 9/22/2016
USA Flash saligiad 9/20/2016
Temur Ascendancy Modern CrazyVictini 9/20/2016
Scapeshift Lukas Blohon 2016 World Championship - Modern 5th-8th 9/5/2016
W/U Control Jessy Hefner 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
Jeskai Control Yann-Alexandre Chouinard 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
Grixis Control Asa Snyder 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
Grixis Delver Dave Peck 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
Jeskai Control Gabriel Palomino 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
W/U Control Brian Cooper 2016 Grand Prix Indianapolis 8/31/2016
Four-Color Control Olivier Ruel 2016 Grand Prix Lille 8/31/2016

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