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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6951 - 7000 of 8831 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Canadian Threshold Joshua Verdell 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 12/4 5th-8th 12/5/2011
UW Stone-Blade Chris VanMeter 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 12/4 3rd-4th 12/5/2011
UR Delver Andrew Shrout 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 12/4 1st 12/5/2011
RUG Tempo JamesartJ 12/4/2011
Cruel Control clusterfolk3 12/4/2011
u/r delver comment plz cory5 12/3/2011
Fae-Stone -COMMENT PLEASE INSIGHT 11/30/2011
Modern Puresteel Nextstep 11/30/2011
team america vensers sliver 11/30/2011
Merfolk Rojion 11/30/2011
Modern Delver 2.0 (cmmnts Thorkin 11/29/2011
Ninja-Erayo nabbydian 11/28/2011
UW Control Shotcoder 11/27/2011
BUG Do nothing. mysoleisblack 11/27/2011
U/R Delver HELP King Xanadu 11/25/2011
U/B Tempo uncletiggy 11/24/2011
researchers mahatma_29 11/24/2011
UW stone Bazinga 11/24/2011
UW Control Elie Pichon 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Esper Teachings Brandon Nelson 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UW Control Korey Mcduffie 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Bant Fire Joel Larsson 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UB Teachings Cynic Kim 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Next Level Bant Ronald Guetl 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UB Teachings Nikola Fercek 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UR Faeries Alan Comer 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Esper Teachings Stanislav Cifka 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UG Fae Blade Kelvin Chew 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Esper Teachings Lino Burgold 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Bant Fire Martin Berlin 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Superfriends Matthew Anderson 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
UB Control Nick Spagnolo 11/23/2011
Show and Tell Fujimoto Tomoya National Team Final Decklists: U.S. - Legacy 3rd-4th 11/23/2011
NO Cobra/Forge Freddy Danger 11/22/2011
Mono U Countertop JamesartJ 11/21/2011
Rogue sammy01230 11/21/2011
Still-Walk INSIGHT 11/21/2011
standstill royemunson 11/20/2011
Devastating Clones!! Jein 11/19/2011
UBeR Tempo Timthetornado 11/18/2011
Fae Stone INSIGHT 11/17/2011
UWr Supersnap Friends Nick Spagnolo 11/16/2011
RUG order snusk 11/16/2011
grixis vensers sliver 11/14/2011
grissle vensers sliver 11/14/2011
RUG snusk 11/12/2011
Team America comment plz Geri 11/12/2011
UGSnakes Den-Rome 11/12/2011
UG Tempo herbhatleejr 11/11/2011
Mystical Teachings yaminick 11/9/2011

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