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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 751 - 800 of 8831 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Control Michael Moore SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 10/07/2018 9th-16th 10/8/2018
Grixis Control Ethan Comer SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Columbus - 10/7/2018 17th-32nd 10/8/2018
Miracles Josh Rayden SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Columbus - 10/7/2018 17th-32nd 10/8/2018
Jeskai Control Greg Smith SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Columbus - 10/7/2018 33rd-64th 10/8/2018
Illusion Tribal FYIIAMASPY1 10/7/2018
Jeskai Control Zarutha MTGO Modern Challenge 10/5/2018 10/7/2018
Blue Moon Endry_SP MTGO Modern Challenge 10/5/2018 10/7/2018
Temur Delver Swagohod MTGO Legacy Challenge: 10/01/2018 17th-32nd 10/5/2018
Tainted Pact Lpettro MTGO Legacy Challenge: 10/01/2018 9th-16th 10/5/2018
W/U Stoneblade Mult4ni MTGO Legacy Challenge: 10/01/2018 10/5/2018
Miracles AnziD MTGO Legacy Challenge: 10/01/2018 3rd-4th 10/5/2018
modern bug ds Rifed1deadman 10/4/2018
UR Tempo Matt Rob 10/1/2018
W/U Control andreev MTGO Modern Challenge 09/30/18 9th-16th 10/1/2018
Izzet Wizards Corbin Hosler 10/1/2018
U/R Moon Endry_SP MTGO Competitive Modern League: 09/28/2018 10/1/2018
Helm Control adalid240477 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/29/2018 9/30/2018
Temur Delver wakarock MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/29/2018 9/30/2018
U/R Wizards PingoDoce85 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 09/25/2018 9/30/2018
Grixis Delver SORBOONE MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/24/2018 17th-32nd 9/28/2018
Grixis Control linhalques MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/24/2018 17th-32nd 9/28/2018
Temur Delver wakarock MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/24/2018 9th-16th 9/28/2018
Miracles SB3K MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/24/2018 5th-8th 9/28/2018
W/U Stoneblade oarsmen MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/22/2018 9/28/2018
Temur Delver Tom-Del MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/22/2018 9/28/2018
Miracles AlexstraszaU MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/22/2018 9/28/2018
Modern PPTQ 3rd-4th: Sebastian Casteñano - UW Miracles ISD Gaming Puerto Rico 9/27/2018
Grixis Control Nigel Loutzenhiser 9/27/2018
Blue Moon ScaughtyO MTGO Competitive Modern League: 09/25/2018 9/26/2018
Temur Control BLUESKIESJ MTGO Competitive Modern League: 09/25/2018 9/26/2018
Grixis Control Phil Pratt SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 09/23/2018 9th-16th 9/24/2018
U/B Delver Logan Courtright SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 09/23/2018 5th-8th 9/24/2018
Temur Delver Alexander Chen SCG Classic Legacy - Baltimore - 09/23/2018 3rd-4th 9/24/2018
W/U Control Robert Seder SCG Classic Modern - Baltimore - 09/23/2018 2nd 9/24/2018
Tainted Pact Lpettro MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/16/2018 17th-32nd 9/23/2018
Temur Delver Tom-Del MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/16/2018 5th-8th 9/23/2018
W/U Stoneblade Ark4n MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/15/2018 9/23/2018
Grixis Delver SORBOONE MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/15/2018 9/23/2018
Esper Stoneblade First_Revenge 9/22/2018
UW Control Skoler 9/22/2018
U/R Control MAXBV MTGO Modern Challenge 09/16/18 5th-8th 9/18/2018
W/U Control Caupolican Lopez Yapor SCG Classic Modern - Syracuse - 09/17/2018 2nd 9/17/2018
W/U Control artoshy MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/18 17th-32nd 9/17/2018
W/U Control TSPJendrek MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/18 17th-32nd 9/17/2018
W/U Control Exupery MTGO Modern PTQ - 09/08/18 3rd-4th 9/17/2018
Jeskai Control Chan Sze Hang Grand Prix Hong Kong 2018 9th-16th 9/17/2018
W/U Control Luis Salvatto Grand Prix Stockholm 2018 5th-8th 9/17/2018
Blue Moon Colin Chilbert SCG Open Modern - Syracuse - 09/16/2018 17th-32nd 9/16/2018
Miracles Condescend MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/09/2018 17th-32nd 9/13/2018
Miracles LEGACY4LIFE MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/09/2018 17th-32nd 9/13/2018

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