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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 1029 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Dredge Luciano Caneiro 2010 San Juan PTQ: Ft Lauderdale 5th-8th 3/4/2010
Dredge Alex Smith 2010 San Juan PTQ: Denver 1st 3/4/2010
Grixishit kidpurple 3/3/2010
Ichorid Cooler 3/3/2010
Land Denial selco 3/3/2010
Grixis Control Jack 3/2/2010
Summoning Trap Ryun MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 2/28/2010 3/2/2010
Mono U flipsandtricks 3/1/2010
Mono blue2 Salpost 2/28/2010
UW Budget Control cshxtempo 2/28/2010
Dragging the Lodestone Dryspell 2/28/2010
Dictus Esper Custom theboogeyman 2/28/2010
Open Filigree Mod Dryspell 2/28/2010
olol feolit 2/28/2010
Mono blue Salpost 2/27/2010
MetaGame Deck bluemanamagic 2/27/2010
Blue White Control drexeljerk 2/27/2010
Vault Deck selco 2/26/2010
Open the Vaults Backstreet MTGO Standard Premier - 965634 5th-8th 2/25/2010
uw reanimator catz123458 2/25/2010
Kira EDH deckcreator607 2/24/2010
Grixis control flipsandtricks 2/24/2010
Vaultikons GoblinToken 2/24/2010
Jace Mind Control II Gaven79 2/23/2010
UW Control manu_chao MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - 965489 2/23/2010
grix. megablaster comment jakeisneato 2/22/2010
cruel control controlfreak44 2/22/2010
U/W Control Zevin_Mars 2/22/2010
Esper Control Niels Viaene 2010 PT San Diego 5th-8th 2/22/2010
Dredge Diigima 2/21/2010
Grixis Control SirMelchior 2/21/2010
Dredge Vagner Casatti MTGO PTQ - 2/11 5th-8th 2/18/2010
Dredge Lamppost MTGO PTQ - 2/11 3rd-4th 2/18/2010
BUG Fire_Mage 2/17/2010
The Solution va_ichijouji 2/17/2010
mErFoLk =) shipoopi88 2/17/2010
UW Control sevenmelons83 2/15/2010
BUG shipoopi88 2/15/2010
UG Magosi shargon14@yaho 2/14/2010
Spread 'em deckbuilder524 2/13/2010
U/B Combo tehmastorz 2/13/2010
B/W Control Rowdy is Cool 2/12/2010
Treasure Test Josh Silvestri 2/11/2010
blue white miggs 2/10/2010
UBG Control Sabin8019 2/8/2010
Grixis clayparson 2/8/2010
Tempo (Decklist) HumanCompound 2/6/2010
Blood Rite awe84 2/5/2010
Controllerator SavageMessiah 2/5/2010
UB Control WK dyechamp 2/5/2010

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