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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 1029 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bant Shaman Joshua Harris 2010 TCGplayer Wizard World Series - NYC 9th-16th 10/2/2010
u/w semi-budget markg388 10/1/2010
Grixis Control (Suggest) Gero 9/30/2010
A-sphinx-iation V2 Majerda 9/30/2010
UR Pyroferate Fletcher10189 9/28/2010
Oh noes! Its the Ooze! Malleuz 9/27/2010
U/G Vines qbob2 9/26/2010
Dredge-uh-vine falconster15 9/26/2010
SOM new deck look brightblood 9/26/2010
Pyro-control oldgeezer 9/24/2010
UG vine 2.0 renagabe 9/23/2010
Cmdr Sedris, Traitor King andyrut 9/22/2010
New standard whagoo 9/18/2010
The one in control serendibefreet 9/16/2010
Mono Blue aceswild65 9/13/2010
U/G Vines post scars qbob2 9/11/2010
Food Chain blaine1johnson 9/10/2010
Landfall Control Paulo Vitor 9/8/2010
Singleton U/W Control Landstar 9/2/2010
U/G elves post rotation jeaston15 9/1/2010
Budget TurboLand COMMENT? Slayer89 9/1/2010
It's All Good and Blue clouduzumaki13 8/31/2010
Dredgevine 2.0 Stotic 8/30/2010
RBU Dredge (post shards) Stotic 8/29/2010
WUB Control canman87 8/29/2010
OTV gamemfreak 8/28/2010
GU Ramp/Draw Hiro 8/28/2010
Open Wide flipsandtricks 8/27/2010
U/W Mass Polymorph contro tempestfury 8/24/2010
Blue Green Ramp s1155378 8/21/2010
Venser EDH Nitemare626 8/20/2010
GUR Aggro Belimos 8/19/2010
Bant Adrian Donnelly 2010 Nationals - Ireland 5th-8th 8/17/2010
RUG Aggro - Comments plz Jurri0017 8/16/2010
Troll Deck PiNerd 8/15/2010
Vengeghast Aggro 13ierDragoon 8/13/2010
random rare jacks9907 8/12/2010
wug spread'em Mr.magicman 8/10/2010
Infinite Open mahatma_29 8/10/2010
LAWL sindavathar 8/9/2010
Reanimator doodyts 8/7/2010
Vorosh EDH Metahater 8/4/2010
Dredgevine bitexe 8/4/2010
vengev Lorwynkid 8/2/2010
U/W Eldrazi Mortag1981 8/1/2010
Legacy attempt - comment! serendibefreet 8/1/2010
Opposing Food Chain DeadLions 7/30/2010
dredge killstars 7/30/2010
turbo better abysalrampage 7/30/2010
UW Control Terry Soh 2010 Nationals - Malaysia 5th-8th 7/28/2010

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