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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1151 - 1200 of 2244 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
EDH Gobblins sacrilegious 1/4/2010
Rakdos aggro hellfireelm 1/4/2010
Deathkeeper EDH eladramari 12/8/2009
Anti-Control Control tortoise ham 12/5/2009
Dreadkite Discard Mirvana 12/5/2009
CROMAT EDH 2 subhumanfusion77 12/2/2009
Goblin Sac Aggro timb 11/27/2009
Auntie EDH eladramari 11/26/2009
B/R EDH goblins gagnerants 11/17/2009
abused scwalker1986 11/13/2009
B/R Aggro Ørjan Rimestad 09-10-17 Stavanger Extended 3rd-4th 11/4/2009
EDH Thraximundar RedGale 10/24/2009
Aggro Discard Jagati 10/21/2009
Goblin Pact XxHEXSORxX 10/19/2009
Sneak Attack/Dragonstorm jefferey 10/12/2009
5-Color Control/Combo 99_problems 10/12/2009
B/R Reanimator Dragons caradionomia 8/26/2009
Blightning RB pnbc10 8/5/2009
R/B Aggro IronGun21 7/28/2009
Underworld Headache mogo222 7/27/2009
Heartstone Insanity cingcing 7/15/2009
syggburn Endjin28 7/11/2009
Cinderella Ramp Greg McCleery 7/9/2009
Swans David Obererlacher 2009 Nationals: Austrian 3rd-4th 7/9/2009
Swans Alexis Mylonas 2009 Nationals: Greece 5th-8th 7/9/2009
Hand/Mill post M10 Yanng 7/9/2009
Jund Aggro Ravellus 7/7/2009
Jund Marco Mazzei 2009 PTQ Austin: Milan, Italy 3rd-4th 7/6/2009
Jund Devour Yanng 7/3/2009
B/R Aggro David Gutesa 2009 Nationals: Serbian 5th-8th 6/30/2009
5 Color Cascade Maikel Ruelle 2009 Nationals: Belgium 5th-8th 6/30/2009
Skitter RandomHero 6/30/2009
Reanimate Burn Doctoroftime 6/28/2009
B/R Aggro Chris Anderson 2009 PTQ Austin: Louisville, USA 5th-8th 6/26/2009
B/G Aggro Andy Burden 2009 PTQ Austin: Louisville, USA 3rd-4th 6/26/2009
B/R Aggro Maxime Choquette 2009 PTQ Austin: Montreal, Canada 5th-8th 6/26/2009
Mana Ramp Erika Sudou 2009 National Qualifier: Kawasaki, Japan 2nd 6/25/2009
B/R Aggro Masashi Inoue 2009 National Qualifier: Osaka, Japan 3rd-4th 6/25/2009
Jund Jon Poole 2009 PTQ Austin: Philadelphia, USA 5th-8th 6/25/2009
B/R Aggro Ilja Tchernomazov 2009 PTQ Austin: Leipzig ,Germany 5th-8th 6/25/2009
Jund Felix Brandt 2009 PTQ Austin: Leipzig ,Germany 5th-8th 6/25/2009
Doran Rock w/Cascade Teric_AylorGt 6/24/2009
RB Burn Control TribalElfMage 6/23/2009
B/R brazilyan 6/18/2009
sharpshooter wannabe arthurso 6/18/2009
Sygg blightning berrberr 6/17/2009
Too Two Persistent shortcircuit 6/17/2009
Jund wilier 2009-06-13 Magic-League Master 5th-8th 6/16/2009
Zombies! at the Disco Saucemonkey 6/16/2009
Megrim Assault Limitedmoon06 6/16/2009

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