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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 668 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sultai Reanimator fibero23 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/18/2015
Sultai Superfriends Yuffie (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/18/2015
Chromantiflayer Khelok 2/13/2015
5 chromantic chaos loki8685 2/13/2015
Sultai Midrange (help) chirijiraden 2/13/2015
Sultai Teachings wammy 2/13/2015
Villainous Wealth Kevin Beck 2015 Player Appreciation - Catskill, NY 5th-8th 2/12/2015
Sultai Superfriends David Dillow 2015 Player Appreciation - Waco, TX 5th-8th 2/12/2015
5C Flayer John Cuvelier 2/12/2015
Ur-Dragon Madness Khelok 2/11/2015
Chromatic Soul domnation56 2/11/2015
sultai control FRF aalistor 2/11/2015
Sultai Reanimator Nick Stogsdill 2015 Player Appreciation - Auburn, NY 5th-8th 2/10/2015
Sultai Control' Out Out 2/10/2015
Soulflayer mr_monster616 2/8/2015
Sultai Control Jahhhhhvie 2/8/2015
Sultai Reanimator Highness1986 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/8/2015
Sultai Control mtgthomas312 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/2/15 2/6/2015
Sultai Superfriends Kenchee 2/6/2015
Sultai Reanimator Mundisv (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/26/15 2/6/2015
Sultai grave-vine Out Out 2/5/2015
Sultai Control gbnubcake 2/4/2015
Sultai Superfriends Craig Bargo 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 2/1 5th-8th 2/2/2015
Sultai Surprise NubNubMTG 2/1/2015
Sultai Control lvalics 1/30/2015
5C Aggro Pineapple 1/28/2015
Sultai Decadence MrTwist82 1/28/2015
Sultai Reanimator Troy Bishop 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington - 1/24 1/27/2015
Sultai Superfriends Gerard Fabiano 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington - 1/24 1st 1/26/2015
Sultai Control Ali Aintrazi 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Washington - 1/24 5th-8th 1/26/2015
BUG combo davee669 1/26/2015
Sultai Reanimator Matthew Costa 2014 Super Sunday Series Championship 5th-8th 1/26/2015
Sultai Control TBS Hoodrat 1/26/2015
Sultai Control bakmage 1/26/2015
Soul Flayer v2 Izz-Rei 1/25/2015
Sultai Control angelus391 1/25/2015
Sultai ControlDelve sir coleridge 1/25/2015
4C Delve Matsukasa10 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/29/14 1/25/2015
4C Reanimator Matsukasa10 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/29/14 1/24/2015
Sultai Control CelestialChild 1/24/2015
Sultai Reanimator Nick Hughes MaxPoint Silver - Kings Landing - 1/10/15 5th-8th 1/20/2015
Sultai Reanimator Robert Perriello MaxPoint Silver - Kings Landing - 1/10/15 3rd-4th 1/20/2015
Sultai Wealth 1.0 Slayer131 1/20/2015
Sultai Control Laurentt 1/20/2015
Sultai DWN sir coleridge 1/18/2015
Sultai Delve Control sir coleridge 1/18/2015
sidisi wastenot deckstorage3 1/17/2015
Sultai Reanimator Frank Lepore 1/16/2015
Updated Roar Gifts devan09 1/15/2015
BUG control zulrock 1/15/2015

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