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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 512 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RB Sac justinlo 8/23/2010
wort, bogart aunti edh edocslicer 8/23/2010
Land D Chisstabol 7/29/2010
Firevamps Irontitan 7/6/2010
thraximundar edh andershakala 7/3/2010
red black torment balla628 7/2/2010
old control keith78 6/12/2010
Backlash ace_of_cakes 5/31/2010
Dead and Stupid keith78 5/28/2010
Dawn of the Demons keith78 5/27/2010
trade binder 5-22-10 ha897 5/23/2010
Zombardment Sarpedon_702 5/13/2010
Agro-Pox archangelus 4/24/2010
RB Goblins ha897 4/14/2010
2HG B/R Discard erickkng 3/14/2010
Mean LD wretchedest 3/2/2010
Zombie Burn wazoobmx 2/21/2010
EDH Gobblins sacrilegious 1/4/2010
Zombie Haste irondknight 12/20/2009
Meekstone - (black/red) ace_of_cakes 12/16/2009
Auntie EDH eladramari 11/26/2009
B/R EDH goblins gagnerants 11/17/2009
Pingers JesterXO 11/9/2009
The Shocker! wretchedest 8/22/2009
Furt, you're expendable Wolf and Raven 4/11/2009
Rise of the Zombies carl2552 9/4/2007
wumpus lando jesus010101 3/23/2007
B/R Rakdos Madness Shadowknight 10/16/2006
extendivore magic_guru11 8/16/2006
Deck of Vile Darkness Hunter_x 5/29/2006
Goblin Bidding Shadowknight 5/21/2006
The Rock jemskyx2 11/6/2005
Clouded Judgement zombie_411 6/22/2005
Chain Slaver damien 2002 5/27/2005
DIS CARD Baseballman46 4/15/2005
Dragons Unleashed instigator_tx 3/21/2005
b/w control appie 2/20/2005
Guilt Grayne 2/13/2005
Spirit Bidding boardburtonvt 9/18/2004
Rituals for the Machine fhaguila 1/3/2004
Underworld Dreams Brainburst Gauntlet Project, 7 7/10/2003
Br Clerics SpyderSHC 7/9/2003
BR Beats Mackael Ficheau 2003 Regionals Nord Picardie, France 5th-8th 3/26/2003
Beats -n- Burn Tim Pillards 2003 Regionals Hasselt, Belgium 3/15 3rd-4th 3/25/2003
B/R Braids James McCoy Champs 2002: North Carolina 1st 11/13/2002
BR Control Sean Vandover Champs 2002: Maryland 5th-8th 11/6/2002
B/R Aggro James Hanson Champs 2002: Rhode Island 3rd-4th 11/5/2002
BR Control Jim Grimmett Champs 2002: UK, Somerset 1st 11/4/2002
BR Land D Eric G Chan Champs 2002: Canada, Alberta 3rd-4th 11/4/2002
BR Control Barret Woldike Champs 2002: Canada, Alberta 2nd 11/4/2002

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