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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2551 - 2600 of 2949 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Tempo Dragons_Quest 10/1/2014
Narset Control kagayakutsuki 10/1/2014
Izzet, advice needed BouShea82 10/1/2014
Trash For Treasures Relmmagus 10/1/2014
Jeskai Prowess Zwaken 10/1/2014
Temur Chord Ramp clackityclack 10/1/2014
IZZET ARTIFACTS devonDaibon 10/1/2014
Grixis AceEffect 9/30/2014
Temur Superfriends Emerson Spartz 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
4C Control Daniel Phelps 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9/30/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Andrew Baeckstrom 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 9/28 9th-16th 9/30/2014
Jeskai Control fudrud 9/30/2014
Jeskai fun stuff chaosmkr33 9/29/2014
Jeskai Tempo Onksmeister 9/29/2014
Jeskai Burn Kevin Jones 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 1st 9/29/2014
Jeskai Midrange Jadine Klomparens 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 5th-8th 9/29/2014
Jeskai Burn Luis Alfonso 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Jeskai Tokens Joseph Scalco 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Edison - 9/28 9/29/2014
Jeskai Burn rockstar69 9/29/2014
Temur Midrange Scott Russel TCGplayer Open 5K Waco, TX - 9/27/2014 3rd-4th 9/29/2014
UR Artifacts Br0Okzy 9/29/2014
UWR Tempo cade34 9/29/2014
Temur Midrange venumuse 9/28/2014
Jeskai Control surgeslayer 9/28/2014
Jeskai Tempo JustElijah 9/28/2014
Temurpo Baxiel 9/28/2014
Kevin Jones Jeskai JoshuaClaytor 9/28/2014
Riddle Me This... OCPrime 9/28/2014
Narset Commander hybrid theory 9/27/2014
R/U Artifact Burn theredjoker 9/27/2014
vladislav moget velldart 9/27/2014
Jeskai Burn Blackhawk23x 9/27/2014
Temur Monsters rockstar69 9/27/2014
Temur Tempo Gryphenprey 9/26/2014
Jeskai Counterburn vainity 9/26/2014
UGr morpherinos v0.1 vainity 9/26/2014
Team Temur XxBeeterxX 9/26/2014
BIG IZZET devonDaibon 9/25/2014
rug life swagmonsta789 9/25/2014
Jeskai Current Test DepthZero 9/25/2014
American control zulrock 9/25/2014
Narset Jeskai Commander Meih 9/25/2014
Niv Mizzet monogreen 9/25/2014
RUG Yisan orion373 9/24/2014
RUG Midrange Control v0.6 vainity 9/24/2014
soldiers surgeslayer 9/24/2014
Jeskai Control Frank Lepore 9/24/2014
Jeskai Control Residentivo 9/24/2014
RUG rush8946 9/24/2014
UR artifact davee669 9/24/2014

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