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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 851 - 900 of 1508 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UW Devotion Cantstoped MTGO Standard Premier - 6800282 - 3/2/14 9th-16th 3/12/2014
UW Devotion Karlmark MTGO Standard Premier - 6800282 - 3/2/14 5th-8th 3/12/2014
UW Devotion _sprite_ MTGO Standard Premier - 6800282 - 3/2/14 3rd-4th 3/12/2014
UW Devotion StickyWicket (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/11/2014
Monoblue Devotion echecetmat35 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/11/2014
UW Devotion kentaro_hokori (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/11/2014
UW Devotion Dylan Nollen MaxPoint Platinum - GameStar - 3/8/14 5th-8th 3/10/2014
UW Devotion Dave Duran MaxPoint Platinum - Pastimes - 3/8/14 5th-8th 3/10/2014
UW Devotion Jonathan Bennett 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 3/1 9th-16th 3/10/2014
UW Devotion Logan Mize 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 3/1 9th-16th 3/10/2014
Monoblue Devotion Luke McGlaughlin 2014 Grand Prix Melbourne - 3/1 5th-8th 3/10/2014
Notion Devotion -Swill- 3/9/2014
Monoblue Devotion Rahwaizh Abdulahman TCGplayer Open 5K Providence, RI - 3/8/14 5th-8th 3/9/2014
UW Devotion Bunahi 3/8/2014
Mono Blue Devotion Stuff cgreenmagic 3/7/2014
Merfolk Mcderv 3/7/2014
derpfolk hyphycore 3/4/2014
Mono Blue Splash White soawake 3/4/2014
UW Devotion DaveLombardoJr (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Monoblue Devotion Brivenix (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Monoblue Devotion weder00 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/24/14 3/4/2014
Monoblue Devotion harrod MTGO Standard Premier - 6767364 - 2/24/14 9th-16th 3/4/2014
Monoblue Devotion EugeneB MTGO Standard Premier - 6767364 - 2/24/14 9th-16th 3/4/2014
Monoblue Devotion Wiess MTGO Standard Premier - 6767332 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 3/3/2014
UW Devotion _Soku_ MTGO Standard Premier - 6767332 - 2/23/14 5th-8th 3/3/2014
Monoblue Devotion Sneaky homunkulus MTGO Standard Premier - 6767332 - 2/23/14 2nd 3/3/2014
Merfolk SCGGreen MTGO Modern Premier - 6767367 - 2/24/14 3rd-4th 3/3/2014
Monoblue Devotion Steven Brown Appreciation Weekend - Shuffle & Cut Games 5th-8th 3/3/2014
For Sale Mcderv 3/2/2014
RUG Devotion CajunMan550 3/2/2014
UW Devotion SlovakianBoss 3/2/2014
Monoblue Devotion Dustin Biggers 2014 StarCity Open Standard - St. Louis - 2/22 5th-8th 2/28/2014
Mono Blue Devotion ragetastic 2/28/2014
Merfolk krebsi1307 MTGO Modern Premier - 6767358 - 2/23/14 3rd-4th 2/28/2014
Merfolk Tarifa MTGO Modern Premier - 6767335 - 2/23/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
Merfolk Tsukanov MTGO Modern Premier - 6767326 - 2/22/14 9th-16th 2/28/2014
Azorius Devotion ralawar7 2/27/2014
Monoblue Devotion _j3n10 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
UW Devotion JIsOrange (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
UW Devotion GMKiller (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
UW Devotion hot_milk (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
Monoblú Tidesson 2/27/2014
Monoblue Devotion ChicodeLeon (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
Merfolk MageTheGathererRUS (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/17/14 2/27/2014
Monoblue Devotion Nicholas Crabbs Appreciation Weekend - All About Games 3rd-4th 2/27/2014
Monoblue Devotion Shinikaji 2/26/2014
Monoblue Devotion Rayman Dorman Appreciation Weekend - Matrix Cards and Games 2nd 2/25/2014
Monoblue Devotion Jeff O'Sullivan Appreciation Weekend - GamingEtc 1st 2/25/2014
Monoblue Devotion Jay Eckard Appreciation Weekend - Comic Town, 5th-8th 2/25/2014
Monoblue Devotion Brian Miller Appreciation Weekend - Comic Town, 5th-8th 2/25/2014

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