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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 947 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Melek EDH TobiasBoonDVD 4/28/2015
Tefloozy bearbot 4/19/2015
What? joshfred21 2/28/2015
Blue EDH Deadat27 2/22/2015
Mono Blue Control killerlilninja 2/14/2015
Tasigur's Time WriterofWrong 2/11/2015
Kami jrbryant315 2/4/2015
azami john152534 1/22/2015
Arcanis the Draw Engine epicjuicebox 12/18/2014
Grand Arbiter Nocturnus89 12/16/2014
Narset Master Of Pain raziellok79 12/7/2014
Jeleva TheeWood 12/1/2014
Narset RidicuChris 12/1/2014
Narset wuzzifizit 11/10/2014
Narset EDH josh_ae 11/4/2014
Testing the new set jamesstrife 10/30/2014
Niv Mizzet monogreen 9/25/2014
Jeskai hybrid theory 9/24/2014
Silver Combo thegreatsam 8/30/2014
Dralnu rebuild Nekron 8/16/2014
Jeleva Gay 2 sirwytsei 8/13/2014
riku clone merc927 8/10/2014
Full azami kaosjr 8/4/2014
Grand Arbiter EDH TheFatalError 7/31/2014
Ivan Brago Hulksmashems 7/15/2014
proginitals Juggernorris 6/11/2014
So Topdeck ub3rpenguin 6/10/2014
Kruphix Control HandheldToast 6/9/2014
JhoiraGhitu_v2 Bluemage2 6/8/2014
dd bizzerker 6/4/2014
Nekusar aceanddeuce 5/14/2014
Riku's Too many Combos! roscoekane 5/4/2014
Grand Arbiter Mordrius 4/18/2014
HugeExpensiveSpellsfoFREE amp811 4/12/2014
I dunno man cgreenmagic 4/10/2014
Bant Control Ronaldsb1 4/6/2014
Oracle MusicKing69 4/3/2014
Izzet? sirwaldus 4/2/2014
Color Pie Project - Blue Chokda 4/2/2014
Melek Chokda 4/2/2014
EDH - Damia Multiplayer AntoniooAmaral 3/31/2014
Zegana 1 on 1 daj123 3/29/2014
Melek LoneCrusader 3/26/2014
Budget Dralnu Nekron 3/19/2014
Dakkon artifact edh quantumbleaper 3/13/2014
Splinter twin Areiz 3/12/2014
Jeleva Creatureless GimmePizzaSlow 3/10/2014
O'Shay's Scion Ravnzangetsu 2/23/2014
Damia ultimate control apoisonousduck 2/20/2014
TimeWerp AbstractLife 2/13/2014

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