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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 362 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper Midrange Keith Capstick SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Orlando Lucas SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Xavier Biron SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 9th-16th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Joseph Dejoy SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 9th-16th 5/20/2019
Four-Color Dreadhorde Thomas Roth SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 9th-16th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Stephen Snelson SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5th-8th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Stephen Dykman SCG Classic Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 2nd 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Alex Bianchi SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 33rd-64th 5/20/2019
Esper Control Tyler York SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 33rd-64th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange James Johnston SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 33rd-64th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Patrick Brady SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 33rd-64th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Tariq Patel SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 17th-32nd 5/20/2019
Sultai Midrange Aaron Barich SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 9th-16th 5/20/2019
Esper Midrange Kenta Hiroki SCG Open Standard - Syracuse - 5/19/2019 5th-8th 5/20/2019
Salty Dredge + mill standard KillerthebeastDCXVII 5/18/2019
Dimir Mill SBMTGDev 5/18/2019
Grixis control PonyboyJThibbs 5/16/2019
U/B Control qbturtle15 5/16/2019
UB No Draw Chopstix 5/15/2019
Nicol Bolas, the Ravager RayMethvin 5/14/2019
Esper Logic 5/13/2019
Standard 12-Rack (Double Davriel) SBMTGDev 5/13/2019
Kowalski's Dimir Control AliasV 5/12/2019
entradada JustDoobIt 5/11/2019
fjldkfja Guided Fetch 5/10/2019
Esper Control Final Pigeon-Lord 5/10/2019
Blue-Black Control Conley Woods 5/8/2019
Magic Arcanum - What's Happening in War of the Spark? Magic Arcanum 5/7/2019
dimir JustDoobIt 5/6/2019
etrata deck JustDoobIt 5/6/2019
Esper Control Joseph Tatum SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Jonathan Vale SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Alan Hubbard SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange David Davila SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Shawn Becker SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Ross Merriam SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
Esper Control Joe Jancuk SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 33rd-64th 5/6/2019
U/B Control Timothy Madsen SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5th-8th 5/6/2019
Grixis Zack Kanner SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 17th-32nd 5/6/2019
Esper Control Shaheen Soorani SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5/6/2019
Esper Stephen Dykman SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 17th-32nd 5/6/2019
U/B Midrange Austin Collins SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 17th-32nd 5/6/2019
Esper Control Gabriel Joglar SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 17th-32nd 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Matt Hendrick SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5/6/2019
Esper Roman Fusco SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 9th-16th 5/6/2019
Five-Color Control Sam Lawrence SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5/6/2019
Esper Control Edgar Magalhaes SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5th-8th 5/6/2019
Esper Control Zach Allen SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 3rd-4th 5/6/2019
Dimir Invasion SBMTGDev 5/6/2019
Esper Midrange Yuxuan Zhang SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5/6/2019

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