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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 751 - 800 of 2295 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Gruul Dinosaurs Sad Panda 187 9/15/2019
fff ERRORx 9/10/2019
Humans Ciesla 9/9/2019
Monk tribal ERRORx 9/9/2019
Humans Matthew Hoey MagicFest Indianapolis 2019 2nd 9/9/2019
Top 15 Rotating Cards to Buy SBMTGDev 9/8/2019
Humans Stephanie LeBlanc SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Jund Dinosaurs Shane Anciso SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Orzhov Vampires Preston Butler SCG Classic Standard - Dallas - 09/01/2019 5th-8th 9/2/2019
Orzhov Vampires Travis Cyrus SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 08/18/2019 1st 9/2/2019
Elemental Aggro Yrahcaz313 9/1/2019
Elementals arcto 8/31/2019
Varina, Lich Queen (EDH) JFSushi 8/31/2019
Humans aleale1981 8/29/2019
Dimir Pirates Technolology 8/21/2019
Elementals Perseel 8/21/2019
Gruul Frenzy Chobeslayer 8/19/2019
Dinos Shyguynate64 8/17/2019
weird something VeryBulbasore 8/15/2019
fish are friends...not food V 2.0 RevenantSoulz 8/13/2019
Allies Palmer 8/12/2019
Humans Stephen Tuchek MagicFest Minneapolis 2019 5th-8th 8/12/2019
Mythic Vampires AliasV 8/8/2019
Omnath, Locus of the Roil Elemental Tribal EDH Woodcrasher 8/8/2019
Dino ooo 8/8/2019
Temur Elementals goattke 8/7/2019
Gutie's Vampires Toxsick 8/7/2019
Temur Elementals Bertram Magic Online MCQ — August 8, 2019 17th-32nd 8/6/2019
Jund Dinosaurs karatedom Magic Online MCQ — August 8, 2019 9th-16th 8/6/2019
Jund Dinosaurs JoshicallsmeFabo Magic Online MCQ — August 8, 2019 9th-16th 8/6/2019
U/G Merfolk yoman5 8/6/2019
W/B Vampires _Falcon_ Magic Online MCQ — August 8, 2019 5th-8th 8/6/2019
Jund Dinosaurs Anton de Smet Red Bull Untapped Finals — London 2019 5th-8th 8/6/2019
5c Humans buckmeierb 8/5/2019
Golgari Saprolings Deck Mitch A. 8/5/2019
A Knight Bit More Amazonian 8/4/2019
Es-Purr Cats AliasV 8/4/2019
Everybody Walk the Dinosaur Wex 8/3/2019
BSD keenis707 8/1/2019
King of the Jungle Akureyi 7/31/2019
Bant Angel Tribal Beauregards 7/30/2019
Humans Andrew Ballard SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 07/28/2019 3rd-4th 7/29/2019
Jund Dinosaurs Wes Williamson SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 07/28/2019 5th-8th 7/29/2019
Humans Daniel Scherer MagicFest Barcelona 2019 3rd-4th 7/29/2019
Humans Mason Clark SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 7/28/2019 17th-32nd 7/29/2019
Humans Andrew Bailey SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 7/28/2019 17th-32nd 7/29/2019
Humans Jeremy Bertarioni SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 7/28/2019 17th-32nd 7/29/2019
Humans Russell Lee SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 7/28/2019 9th-16th 7/29/2019
Humans Samuele Gallinari Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
Humans Ethan Gaieski Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019

Core Value 3

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