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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7751 - 7800 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Karona, False God Madness2.4 8/20/2014
Oloro Budget Multiplayer theanomaly00 8/20/2014
Jund Dredge interseptor 8/20/2014
Junk Midrange Ultimate_Ace MTGO Modern Premier - 7356119 - 8/11/14 9th-16th 8/20/2014
Unburial Gifts slammaster (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/4/14 8/20/2014
Goblins Uccido 8/19/2014
Junk Midrange smashilha MTGO Modern Premier - 7332856 - 8/4/14 1st 8/19/2014
BW Hate Bears CLYDE THE GLIDE DREXLER MTGO Modern Premier - 7332812 - 8/3/14 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Junk Midrange dancingjesus102 MTGO Modern Premier - 7332812 - 8/3/14 5th-8th 8/19/2014
Monoblack Midrange HBO2 MTGO Modern Premier - 7332801 - 8/2/14 9th-16th 8/19/2014
BW Hate Bears CLYDE THE GLIDE DREXLER MTGO Modern Premier - 7313450 - 7/28/14 5th-8th 8/19/2014
Junk Midrange pie (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/28/14 8/19/2014
Waste Naughty 2 LaQuifa 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Ciprian Catana 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 5th-8th 8/19/2014
BG Devotion Susanne Bornelöv 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 3rd-4th 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Laurent Calligaro 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Lukas Blohon 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Florian Koch 2014 Grand Prix Utrecht - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Monoblack Devotion Jared Boettcher 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 1st 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Cody Shoemaker 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
Orzhov Control Noah Cohen 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 8/9 9th-16th 8/19/2014
P.Russh Turbo EDH leong601 8/19/2014
Mardu Control aalistor 8/19/2014
Whispering Madness Conley Woods 8/19/2014
B/G Reanimator rma1219 8/18/2014
Karador 1.0 Strider 8/18/2014
Loam Poxx aalistor 8/18/2014
Junk midrange k2thej 8/18/2014
BR devo jewishpinoy 8/17/2014
Stockpile Zombie cornelius195 8/17/2014
UB Control DepthZero 8/16/2014
Dralnu rebuild Nekron 8/16/2014
Junk Friends slatorade 8/16/2014
lotleth Monster evoke11 8/15/2014
zur jldestruct 8/14/2014
H-Town DeathSquad EM enix55 8/14/2014
Jeleva Gay sirwytsei 8/13/2014
Jund 8-13 fatsuno 8/13/2014
BWR control smt8713 8/13/2014
Glissa Loam aalistor 8/13/2014
Loam Rock aalistor 8/13/2014
Haakon Control sir coleridge 8/13/2014
MBC tonylyates 8/12/2014
Oloro Borealis GimmePizzaSlow 8/12/2014
Generator Jund Conley Woods 8/12/2014
Monoblack Discard tonifm MTGO Modern Premier - 7332801 - 8/2/14 9th-16th 8/12/2014
Junk Loam aalistor 8/12/2014
Mythic BUG aalistor 8/12/2014
Golgari Mid Range decepticreep 8/11/2014
Super Shattergang Bros! sidkah 8/11/2014

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