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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5551 - 5600 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Lands Jarvis Yu 2017 Grand Prix Las Vegas - Legacy 9th-16th 6/20/2017
Jund Hawkester MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/19-6/25 6/20/2017
Devoted Company Zack Kanner Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017 - Modern 17th-32nd 6/20/2017
Abzan Kenta Harane Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017 - Modern 9th-16th 6/20/2017
Jund Hawkester MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/12-6/18 6/19/2017
Snap jund aleale1981 6/18/2017
Four-Color Control Jacob Haversat 2017 Grand Prix Las Vegas - Legacy 5th-8th 6/17/2017
Shadow jebus9011 6/16/2017
B/R Reanimator Seth Manfield 6/15/2017
Abzan Company usorugby MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/15/2017
Abzan Devon Teague SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 6/10/17 17th-32nd 6/13/2017
Abzan Nathan Smith SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 6/10/17 9th-16th 6/13/2017
Abzan Company Brennan DeCandio SCG Open Modern - Charlotte - 6/10/17 9th-16th 6/13/2017
MTG Collection easton1551 6/11/2017
CoCo Combo Dustinbodine 6/11/2017
Infect Rjdemon 6/11/2017
Abzan CiriBarrayar MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/11/2017
B/G edward40hands MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/11/2017
Jund seijim2 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/11/2017
4 Color Shadow Company CaptainThrow 6/10/2017
Elves 30962-5E59DE-77877 6/9/2017
Abzan Remedies Portwood 6/9/2017
B/G Midrange Kerrick_ MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/9/2017
Abzan Company CNewman MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/9/2017
Abzan edu93c MTGO Competitive Modern League: 6/5-6/11 6/9/2017
Tryhard Prossh Fling 6/7/2017
4 Color Death's Shadow Trask VanZant 6/6/2017
Jund Acores88 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 6/5/2017
B/G Kerrick_ MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 6/5/2017
Abzan Delirium Yoshumotto MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 6/5/2017
Grixis Death's Shadow Tjolnar3 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 6/5/2017
Titan-shift Skittlez_P99 6/4/2017
Abzan stilldrunk 6/3/2017
Beat Down Jund TheDarklingGlory 6/2/2017
4 Color Death's Shadow stilldrunk 6/2/2017
Vizier-Druid Combo Brian Braun-Duin 6/1/2017
Drana, Liberator of Malakir Drana 6/1/2017
Marath Call1Me1Dragon 6/1/2017
Breya, Etherium Shaper Lundstrom 6/1/2017
Kraum and Vial Smasher Dawts 6/1/2017
Tasigur, the Golden Fang Legion273 6/1/2017
Zur an Mustache Jimmy 6/1/2017
Legacy Lands Go Away 6/1/2017
Titania EDH CastingHoells 5/31/2017
G/W Company CrisaoSilva MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017
B/G Control MagicDevil666 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017
Elves usorugby MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017
Rhys the Redeemed EDH token beatdown by Slothua Slothua 5/31/2017
Death's Shadow didoguidotti1 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017
Abzan edu93c MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/29-6/4 5/31/2017

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