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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6151 - 6200 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Cooking up a deckaroo Robsmashh 1/28/2017
Leap Company Nitnoy 1/27/2017
Infect Blaaaarrrrg 1/27/2017
Living End Seth Manfield 1/27/2017
Animation Scales Hellio DW 1/26/2017
Aetherborns Vial Hellio DW 1/25/2017
atraxa Yangoose 1/24/2017
Dredgevine Hellio DW 1/24/2017
Abzan Louisbach January 2017 MOCS Playoff 5th-8th 1/23/2017
Death's Shadow Aggro sebastianpozzo January 2017 MOCS Playoff 5th-8th 1/23/2017
Death's Shadow Aggro Oliver_Hart January 2017 MOCS Playoff 5th-8th 1/23/2017
Abzan GALL January 2017 MOCS Playoff 3rd-4th 1/23/2017
Abzan Chord Brian Demars SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 1/21/2017 9th-16th 1/23/2017
Jund Chad Harney SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 1/21/2017 5th-8th 1/23/2017
Abzan Chord Jermol Jupiter SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 1/21/2017 2nd 1/23/2017
GB Modern DeathCloud Paul 1/21/2017
Reveler Discard CorruptedBrewer 1/21/2017
Bug aleale1981 1/20/2017
Atraxa Superfriends Daniel Bowery 1/20/2017
Abzan Midrange Steve Moss 1/20/2017
Golgari Control Lord Arioch 1/19/2017
Damia, Likes all the turns Blur 1/19/2017
Sultai Midrange Trask VanZant 1/19/2017
Modern Eldrazi Golgari abrupt 1/17/2017
Infect Seth Manfield 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 17th-32nd 1/16/2017
Food Chain Eric English 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 17th-32nd 1/16/2017
Sultai Delver Paolo Cesari 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 9th-16th 1/16/2017
Sultai Delver Brad Nelson 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 9th-16th 1/16/2017
U/B Reanimator Alexander Mangone 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 9th-16th 1/16/2017
BG Eldrazi aleale1981 1/16/2017
Fae Lander Reaprepeater38 1/15/2017
Modern Sultai Delver BoomBoomStormCloud 1/14/2017
Infect Seth Manfield 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 17th-32nd 1/13/2017
Sultai Delver Michael Majors 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 5th-8th 1/12/2017
Jeskai Ascendancy GlennIsaac 1/11/2017
Deck Standard Jund 1.0 digrouz 1/11/2017
True-Name Sultai Reid Duke 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 1st 1/9/2017
Delirium Aggro Hellio DW 1/7/2017
Abzan agussss 1/7/2017
Death's Shadow Zoo Shadow_PT MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0) 1/6/2017
Infect littledarwin MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0) 1/6/2017
Black-Green Rock edward40hands 5-0 Competitive Modern League 1st 1/6/2017
Black-Green Devotion Corbin Hosler 1/6/2017
Wolf Run Rock Tim 1/3/2017
Green-White Aggro Steve Rubin 1/2/2017
Abzan Loam RussianRanger2 1/1/2017
Abzan Blue 400 IQ Genius 12/31/2016
Tooth and Nail Experiments FictionalHaze 12/30/2016
Karametra Enchantress Commander / EDH Halfzipp 12/29/2016
Meren Reanimator Blaaaarrrrg 12/29/2016

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