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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 8651 - 8700 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
GB Loam Pox zytz 10/30/2014
Lands Nikolas Leaf 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 10/26 3rd-4th 10/29/2014
Reanimator Craig Spitzer 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 10/26 5th-8th 10/29/2014
Shardless Sultai Joe Cady 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Minneapolis - 10/26 9th-16th 10/29/2014
Modern Doran ewallhagen 10/28/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Justin Adams MaxPoint Silver - Indianapolis, IN 10/26/14 10/28/2014
Infect dothack335 10/27/2014
Lands Wozmaz 10/27/2014
L_LoamPox sir coleridge 10/27/2014
blow me Bigkahunah 10/26/2014
fuck you pod Bigkahunah 10/26/2014
Doran EDH d3@th 10/26/2014
Lovecraft SteffenBlake 10/26/2014
pod hsk8ter 10/24/2014
Sultia Counters Serialmonkey 10/24/2014
Rob Discard pwnsince1988 10/24/2014
uril d3@th 10/22/2014
Esper Tokens Ben Dienes 10/21/2014
bugfit Picklock 10/21/2014
Jund midrange Larzb 10/20/2014
melira pod wilrow87 10/20/2014
Jund Shawn Reefer MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 10/11/14 5th-8th 10/20/2014
Abzan Midrange Kevin O’Leary MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 10/11/14 3rd-4th 10/20/2014
Aggro Loam Samuel Duhaim MaxPoint Gold - Mr Nice Guy Games - 10/11/14 2nd 10/20/2014
Dimir Delver notacanadian24 10/18/2014
Melira Pod C00lBoi (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/29/14 10/17/2014
Bogles Bakchiadai (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/29/14 10/17/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Smdster (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/29/14 10/17/2014
Melira Pod Daryl_Ayers (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/29/14 10/17/2014
Shardless Sultai Nefastus 10/17/2014
bug infect greyfess 10/16/2014
Da ComboZ d3@th 10/16/2014
Kaalia ld d3@th 10/14/2014
B/W modern tokens 2.0 LuckyLoser 10/14/2014
Skullbriar SteffenBlake 10/13/2014
Treasure Reanimator notacanadian24 10/13/2014
Modern is dumb Terzian 10/13/2014
Edric Yeshua 10/9/2014
Dredge-Vine St@lk3R 10/9/2014
Pharika Yeshua 10/9/2014
Sultai Dredge FreeloaderMC 10/8/2014
tempo mweissm 10/8/2014
Zaalia Splinter Twin 10/7/2014
Melira Pod Gardon321 10/7/2014
Zuu: Oloro hefner Bluetorre 10/7/2014
Zuu BUG Bluetorre 10/7/2014
God Wandlarer Bluetorre 10/7/2014
Mono Black Aggro Terzian 10/6/2014
bw humans Terzian 10/6/2014
All in waste not fbussier80 10/5/2014

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