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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4351 - 4400 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Maverick DNEELEY MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
Aluren otaba MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
Maverick Lonestar16 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
Elves sQoooop MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
B/G Midrange Fallleaf Modern MOCS - 05/06/18 5th-8th 5/6/2018
Team America Malimujo MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
Lands PhReSHTinGZ MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 5/5/2018 5/6/2018
Elves richrich 5/5/2018
Living End DrRava MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/4/18 5/4/2018
Titanshift BARNYARD MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/4/18 5/4/2018
Jund Death's Shadow CoffeeHouseRyan MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/4/18 5/4/2018
Sultai stuff Legacy Deck 5/3/2018
Four-Color Loam Stackz MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Four-Color Control jacetmsst MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Four-Color Control osmanozguney MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Maverick -zitz MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Sultai Delver yamakiller MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Lands WhiteFaces MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Elves Julian23 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Lands PhReSHTinGZ MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Four-Color Control Gul_Dukat MTGO Legacy Challenge: 4/29/2018 3rd-4th 5/3/2018
Turbo Depths Grant Davies SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Shardless Sultai Bryan Nauman SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Sultai Control James Hames SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 17th-32nd 5/3/2018
Turbo Depths Bobby Reger SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Aluren Lawrence Vess SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Turbo Depths Jody Keith SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Turbo Depths Will Pulliam SCG Atlanta Team Open - Legacy - 04/29/18 2nd 5/3/2018
Nic Fit Christian Lanniger SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 9th-16th 5/3/2018
Maverick Jeff Hunter SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 5th-8th 5/3/2018
Punishing Maverick Christopher Minor SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 5th-8th 5/3/2018
Traverse Death's Shadow Daniel Bowery 5/3/2018
Infect PoC MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Abzan Company Antoine57437 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Living End 41krid MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Counters Company Laplasjan MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Jund didoguidotti1 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Bogles vorg7 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/3/2018
Soulflayer wordy333 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/2/2018
Jund Death's Shadow hoveydw MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/2/2018
Titanshift c00ckiez MTGO Competitive Modern League: 5/1/18 5/2/2018
Sultai Control Seth Manfield 5/2/2018
B/G Collected Company Falkoneye MTGO Modern Challenge 4/29/18 17th-32nd 4/30/2018
Jund Brandon Vance SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 9th-16th 4/30/2018
Jund Joseph Ambrosio SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 9th-16th 4/30/2018
Counters Company Fernando Gonzalez SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 9th-16th 4/30/2018
Counters Company Daniel Hamblen SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 04/29/2018 3rd-4th 4/30/2018
Tribal Constructs Corbin Hosler 4/30/2018
Jund RUPYAP MTGO Modern Challenge 4/29/18 9th-16th 4/30/2018
Jund qbturtle15 MTGO Modern Challenge 4/29/18 9th-16th 4/30/2018

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