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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 387 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Kona Electriccrabz 11/12/2024
Pantlaza Pantlaza 11/9/2024
Pantlaza Pantlaza 11/9/2024
Pantlaza Pantlaza 11/9/2024
Beledros lifegain Electriccrabz 8/15/2024
Henzie "Toolbox" Torre | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 8/13/2024
Sun’s avatar Seldom Sun 7/31/2024
dino test silentkilla 6/24/2024
My Dino Ramp Turkey 6/13/2024
DinoRamp Turkey 6/12/2024
Dino Deck EvlJeremy 6/6/2024
S Sonodrat6532 5/20/2024
green xXG0SHAWKXx 3/3/2024
Dinosaurs LILA 3/2/2024
Arcades Likes Big Butts Nug-Guppy 1/27/2024
Big Dino Walk then Run then Walk V.2 Squidbey 1/23/2024
Sneak Attack egro 1/19/2024
Dinosaur Destruction PhalanxZ8 1/15/2024
deck2 loyrun 12/22/2023
test1 loyrun 12/22/2023
Martin's Gishath, Sun's Avatar Deck Affinity For Commander 12/5/2023
Let's Build Ghalta, Stamped Tyrant | CQ Early CQ Early Access 11/9/2023
Let's Build Ghalta, Stamped Tyrant | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 11/9/2023
Ouchie Semi 11/7/2023
Veloci-Ramp-Tor Strongest | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 11/7/2023
Gishath Wolfheart 10/30/2023
Pantlaza Sun-Favored | CQ Cards to Consider The Commander's Quarters 10/24/2023
JOLLY GREEN GIANT Nuggetasaurus 9/30/2023
Life's a Resource Ugandanthony 9/26/2023
Gishath's Stampede tfay11 8/29/2023
Big Stompie Mommy Double_Play_44 8/28/2023
Morophon, the Last Airbender Coneman 8/27/2023
Dinosaur WallyDahWalrus 8/11/2023
Dino Skelleton 7/27/2023
Big Dumbs Go Burrr Nbayes11 7/16/2023
big dumbs Nbayes11 7/16/2023
Dinosaurs Wolfheart 6/14/2023
Gishath, Sun's Avatar - High synergy deck - edhrec May Day 5/24/2023
Zacama, Primal Calamity Bunder 4/24/2023
Santa's Little Helper TibbersWantsAHug 1/23/2023
Ghalta, Primal Hunger Hot Poopies 1/17/2023
Golgari Tank BobDaGuy 1/11/2023
Come One, Come All! Step Right Up! Dickie C 12/1/2022
Animar-Eldrazi Slippers 11/22/2022
Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait - EDH Cloudiane 11/11/2022
Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait - EDH Cloudiane 11/11/2022
1st Attempt Take 2 Prolapse 11/9/2022
Gishath (EDH) mega1129 11/3/2022
Atla Palani Dinosaur Tribal rlisle5 11/1/2022
Calamity Dino MelRen 10/11/2022

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