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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1951 - 2000 of 4543 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Boros AltXeXit 1/23/2013
Rakdos Aggro SilverRockete) MTGO Modern PTQ - 1/20/13 3rd-4th 1/22/2013
Rakdos Destroy bobomizer 1/22/2013
Rakdos Aggro DIbarros22 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/7/13 1/21/2013
Red Deck Wins TptBahamut (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/7/13 1/21/2013
Borzhov Best Sporter4 1/21/2013
Rakdos Deck Wins iso365 1/21/2013
Boros Aggro TheChad120 1/21/2013
Burn Face Budget mandalor 1/21/2013
Rakdos Aggro Lee Bui 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 1/19 9th-16th 1/21/2013
Boros Burn Tekken667 1/21/2013
Burn Face mandalor 1/21/2013
Modern Goblin deckstorage3 1/20/2013
Red Deck Wins Mad Hatter 1/20/2013
karrthus, snowy dragons general guy93 1/19/2013
Rakdos Aggro xZerith 1/19/2013
standard burn stutz 1/19/2013
Izzet Control hulekyltberg 1/18/2013
Burn (Modern) Qooroo 1/18/2013
BR Burn Modern XSin 1/18/2013
Boros Aggro tribal333 1/16/2013
RDW Raikomaru 1/16/2013
Rakdos Aggro JYURI MTGO Modern PTQ - 1/13/13 9th-16th 1/16/2013
Rakdos Aggro cjlack92 MTGO Modern Premier - 1/7/13 2nd 1/16/2013
Red Deck Wins Jason Shafer Standard Silver TCQ - Charleston, WV - 1/12/13 5th-8th 1/15/2013
Rakdos Aggro Thomas Morris Standard Silver TCQ - Charleston, WV - 1/12/13 5th-8th 1/15/2013
Junk Wish DareMe 1/14/2013
Life Harvest diginator 1/14/2013
Burn densegoblin 1/14/2013
Red Deck Wins andrewferren 1/14/2013
Modern Jund OctoTom 1/14/2013
Mono red burn ZEYMO 1/14/2013
burn mmorrison55 1/14/2013
R/B Malfegor EDH fhorglingrads 1/13/2013
modern burn Zavulon 1/13/2013
red black standard deck rochype 1/13/2013
Fast Aggro Beg4myskillz 1/13/2013
BRg Artist ravnicafan 1/13/2013
test zonbisame 1/12/2013
Red agro Hinyon 1/12/2013
Depths of Hell venser44 1/11/2013
Need a restraining order? ne_rules 1/11/2013
Rakdos Aggro smh (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/31/12 1/10/2013
Help! hulekyltberg 1/10/2013
Rakdos Aggro Elanger MTGO Modern Premier - 12/31/12 5th-8th 1/10/2013
Rakdos Aggro zazx_l MTGO Modern Premier - 12/31/12 3rd-4th 1/10/2013
Modern RDW CControl 1/10/2013
RedDeckWins FTW! doncerdo 1/9/2013
nope? elicke 1/9/2013
Rakdos Aggro Jokerstars (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/31/12 1/8/2013

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