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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 601 - 650 of 3730 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UG Infect CLYDE THE GLIDE DREXLER MTGO Modern Premier - 7190481 - 6/16/14 5th-8th 6/20/2014
UG Infect Tom Ross 2014 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Columbus 1st 6/18/2014
UG Infect Bob Huang 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 6/15 9th-16th 6/18/2014
Monogreen Infect Freezerr (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/2/14 6/16/2014
u/g infect Crashfiyero85 6/15/2014
Monogreen Infect shufflerpwned (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/26/14 6/12/2014
Monogreen Infect Fosprey MTGO Modern Premier - 7120368 - 5/26/14 5th-8th 6/10/2014
Monogreen Infect saxamman MTGO Modern Premier - 7120359 - 5/25/14 9th-16th 6/10/2014
Monogreen Infect Great_Lexx (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/26/14 6/9/2014
UG Infect nmiller1234 6/5/2014
Budget Mono Green Infect Tristamicus 5/31/2014
Rafiq wojtek1989 5/30/2014
Poison CML 5/27/2014
Mono G Infect AmbientRaven 5/21/2014
Monogreen Infect Waterd MTGO Modern Premier - 7051765 - 5/5/14 2nd 5/11/2014
Monogreen Infect netdraft_storage MTGO Modern Premier - 7035672 - 4/28/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
Monogreen Infect netdraft_storage MTGO Modern Premier - 7035662 - 4/27/14 9th-16th 5/6/2014
Monogreen Infect Waterhumanbuy MTGO Modern Premier - 7008965 - 4/20/14 5th-8th 4/29/2014
Monogreen Infect Waterhumanselling MTGO Modern Premier - 7008898 - 4/19/14 1st 4/29/2014
Mono Green Infect modern reta89 4/23/2014
BUG Infect Tom Ross 2014 StarCity Invitational Legacy - Charlotte 5th-8th 3/31/2014
Tom Ross Infect AndyGrey 3/30/2014
Dark Ascension PC #2 ledster 3/18/2014
infect greyfess 3/14/2014
UG Infect Tom Ross 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 3/2 3rd-4th 3/12/2014
BG Infect ShadooLuigi 2/27/2014
Metra's Hippie Bus firebear 2/4/2014
eee vertical 2/3/2014
Xenagos Infect Fling Railian86 1/30/2014
ezuri3 vertical 1/29/2014
Ick MyrMaster1 1/23/2014
EZE hintela 1/22/2014
Simic Infect ash_202457 1/8/2014
Varolz, Infectacular akahaji 12/29/2013
bg towndrunk 12/24/2013
Elves blizzardstar 12/10/2013
Infect elves noobin 11/19/2013
Myr Bomb Denritch 11/13/2013
ezuri2 vertical 11/11/2013
Garfield's Anagram Infect firebear 11/9/2013
Tooth and Nyx TheSquareCircl 11/7/2013
Ezuri Tav 11/5/2013
Proliferator!!! sjlark09 10/22/2013
Green Infect mitchman963 10/13/2013
Doran Rock/Infect VandalX187 10/2/2013
Birthing pod Zearem 9/21/2013
Wolf Run Pureray 9/20/2013
infect /ramp piopieter 9/18/2013
Seton's Bowling team firebear 9/14/2013
SFPrecon - Pod Violence 9/9/2013

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