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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 523 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Standard averyoftheelve 4/3/2011
4 life42 4/2/2011
standard decjk Evilmonkey 4/2/2011
standard deck DDSOUP 4/1/2011
POWder Control koja99 3/30/2011
Mono-White Control ghastlord_u MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 3/29/2011
Knight & Day Part II koja99 3/28/2011
Mono White specs808 3/25/2011
Clueless Morgan's Type-4 masterc 3/25/2011
Mono White koja99 3/24/2011
Emeria Cats acid1789 3/24/2011
Queller-Go kylemcdonald 3/21/2011
Tourney Winner! loafy 3/13/2011
GW Litherdhennael 3/10/2011
u/w tapout mbs hiesman 3/10/2011
GW Weapons Japan 3/7/2011
Venser's surf n slime bluray 3/5/2011
abissal gorenburg 3/4/2011
Brion Stoutarm EDH canuck 3/3/2011
2x1 Nikrom 3/1/2011
World Queller rla99 2/24/2011
Purification JaMoose 2/20/2011
UW control v2 (comment?) somebody 2/15/2011
Eldrazi revamp Xanics 2/13/2011
WhiteSignal allenjohnson 2/11/2011
WU Knights alphag36k 2/10/2011
luminarch Hypernia 2/8/2011
(Moar) Ghosts n' Stuff The Kidd 2/3/2011
4CC Jank Avatar of woo 2/2/2011
Uril, Trollshroud Auraman aaeamdar 2/1/2011
Selesnya Persists Saffell 1/24/2011
Venser jetstrike 1/24/2011
EDH Stax obnixilis 1/19/2011
Teneb, the Harvester cruces13 1/18/2011
Saffi WIP tozarr 1/3/2011
Mangara of Corondor kagayakutsuki 1/3/2011
modo 4 color JANK Avatar of woo 1/1/2011
Naya Toolbox Darth Cyto 12/24/2010
doran color tool box Darth Cyto 12/23/2010
Bant Walkers mpioch 12/20/2010
WRecking those permanents shinakuma692 12/20/2010
RW Liquimetal Landkill SicksEyeUrn 12/17/2010
edh for christmas deckstorage2 12/16/2010
Eight-and-a-Half-TailsEDH Fork of Doom 12/14/2010
Teysa is Staxed Mxmlmn 12/14/2010
Clerical token Spree 12/5/2010
Landfall Tokens 2.0 Gulstab 11/29/2010
Machine White spectrrrrrre 11/25/2010
Budget WW zyban 11/20/2010
scars of naya !! HEPL !! sk8basRM 11/19/2010

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