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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 751 - 800 of 1004 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Project Single Entity EDH Enforcer 12/11/2011
Aggro Loam Matt Norton 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 12/4 9th-16th 12/5/2011
Unburial Gifts Alexander Shearer 12/1/2011
Gifts loser4now 11/28/2011
gifts univen control kapamaru91 11/26/2011
Life from the Loam cyberclone 11/23/2011
Nath RNH 11/23/2011
Arien Werewolf Conspiracy WriterofWrong 10/19/2011
Offline Zedruu Deck Entity79 10/8/2011
Risen Earth randoman12 10/6/2011
Rare Earth II Goinrogue 10/4/2011
maggie Gangrene 10/3/2011
Planeswalker Deathcloud Mandrew 9/27/2011
Group Hug! Entity79 9/23/2011
Aggro Loam jevus 9/22/2011
MimoRedux-II chewbacha 9/16/2011
Experiment Kraj electricowl 9/15/2011
Experiment Plus One LordTim 9/12/2011
BGu Gifts enigmasprelude 9/8/2011
BW Discard Nick Spagnolo 9/7/2011
Lands tdijks12321 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 2739351 - 8/26/11 8/29/2011
Gift Pile ChameleonC 8/28/2011
rug gifts guitarman1620 8/27/2011
GB Rock Nr13 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 2739347 - 8/26/11 8/26/2011
Gifts Rock _Cryptic (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 2739343 - 8/25/11 8/25/2011
Modern GB Deathcloud Mandrew 8/23/2011
Land Away Yaym 8/21/2011
agro loam dq911 8/17/2011
Aggro Loam ichigoku322 8/16/2011
Gifts Rock Jeff Pyka TCGplayer 75k Championship - Modern 2k - 8/14/11 9th-16th 8/16/2011
Gifts Rock Ojomon 8/15/2011
experimental counters randoman12 8/9/2011
Landfalling Monsters Triviani 8/5/2011
Aggro Loam Scott Robins 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Pittsburgh - 7/31 5th-8th 8/1/2011
aggro loam - mål Stian 7/25/2011
GB Pox Greg Russell 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Seattle - 7/26 9th-16th 7/25/2011
Pox syntheticaprio 7/24/2011
Sisters of Stone Death komodoski 7/19/2011
Lolwhat bitexe 7/18/2011
UGB Loam Control goldsmith 7/16/2011
LD deck(work in progress) ryfoster 7/16/2011
Aggro Loam Micah Greenbaum 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Baltimore 1st 7/13/2011
Cube Draft Lancaster 7/12/2011
Karador Commander edocslicer 6/30/2011
loam Swindy 6/29/2011
scape crab sougiro236 6/24/2011
Kraj A Go Go TheDivinePanda 6/24/2011
Pauper U/G Dunx 6/14/2011
Budget Vampire DDG Aggro chuckfuxvi 6/14/2011
Loam Doppel Dablosnic 6/4/2011

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