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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 801 - 850 of 2130 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
GR Devotion LalauWBA (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
GR Devotion PigNorton (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
GR Devotion ManuGodineau (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
Temur Midrange NubNubMTG 11/4/2014
Centaurs duanejelkins 11/4/2014
RG Midrange Camaron Caron MaxPoint Platinum - Phyrexian Games - 10/25 5th-8th 11/3/2014
Temur Midrange Peter Entrialgo MaxPoint Platinum - Phyrexian Games - 10/25 2nd 11/3/2014
GR Devotion Hyman Stovall MaxPoint Silver - Gamers N Geeks - 10/18 5th-8th 11/3/2014
Autobot Temur Baxiel 11/3/2014
RUG morph davee669 11/2/2014
lukes red green win Etteluor 11/1/2014
Luke red green Etteluor 11/1/2014
Jund Aggro Onksmeister 10/31/2014
Temur Midrange IPaperClip 10/30/2014
Nut Slap Alchoholic MTG 10/29/2014
Naya Superfriends Charles Bell 2014 Standard State Championships - Alabama 5th-8th 10/29/2014
Temur Midrange Colton Norris 2014 Standard State Championships - Alabama 5th-8th 10/29/2014
RG Midrange Derek Thill 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Minneapolis - 10/25 3rd-4th 10/29/2014
Temur Midrange Robert Caldarale 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Minneapolis - 10/25 5th-8th 10/29/2014
Naya Midrange Easton Henrie MaxPoint $5K - Indianapolis, IN 10/25/14 5th-8th 10/28/2014
RG Midrange Anthony Lowry MaxPoint $5K - Indianapolis, IN 10/25/14 5th-8th 10/28/2014
Jund Aggro munckee 10/27/2014
Naya Superfriends Zachary Patterson 2014 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Championship 10/26/2014
Naya Midrange Maileesaeya 10/25/2014
RG Midrange Caleb Durward 2014 TCGplayer.com MaxPoint Championship 3rd-4th 10/25/2014
grixis Control Sokits 10/22/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Duunko 10/22/2014
RG Midrange Daniel Scheid 2014 Grand Prix Los Angeles - 10/18 1st 10/21/2014
Temur Chord Nicholas Desposito MaxPoint Gold - Unity Games - 10/12/14 3rd-4th 10/20/2014
Marjani Control Baxiel 10/20/2014
Prossh souvik 10/19/2014
RUG Midranged Darkseaid 10/19/2014
Xenagos.dec Nocturnus89 10/18/2014
Temur Monsters dpg20 10/18/2014
GR Devotion Colin Stiles 2014 Standard State Championships - New York 2nd 10/17/2014
GR Midrange Zachary Skorinko 2014 Standard State Championships - Pennsylvania 5th-8th 10/17/2014
Timmy's Temur Toolbox clackityclack 10/16/2014
The Walking Dread cmdrsmushy 10/16/2014
Naya Walkers nickman55 10/16/2014
Jund Dragons MrTwist82 10/15/2014
5C Superfriends Carlos Hernandez 2014 Standard State Championships - Puerto Rico 5th-8th 10/13/2014
GR Devotion Brad Lawrence 2014 Standard State Championships - South Dakota 5th-8th 10/13/2014
RG Midrange Robert Wrisley 2014 Standard State Championships - South Dakota 3rd-4th 10/13/2014
RG Midrange Peter Fleischhacker 2014 Standard State Championships - South Dakota 2nd 10/13/2014
Temur Midrange Noah Cunningham 2014 Standard State Championships - Alaska 5th-8th 10/13/2014
Naya Midrange Sam Berkenbile 2014 Standard State Championships - Arkansas 5th-8th 10/13/2014
Temur Midrange Elias Smith 2014 Standard State Championships - Arkansas 5th-8th 10/13/2014
Naya Midrange Trey Ballew 2014 Standard State Championships - Arkansas 3rd-4th 10/13/2014
Temur Midrange Blake McCutcheon 2014 Standard State Championships - Arkansas 3rd-4th 10/13/2014
Naya Midrange Andrew Funkhouser 2014 Standard State Championships - Arkansas 2nd 10/13/2014

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