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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1101 - 1150 of 2130 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
m15 Game day 1st place johnnyg1983 8/20/2014
Naya Midrange Andrea Mengucci Pro Tour Journey into Nyx 5th-8th 8/20/2014
Animar, Soul of Beatdowns b0rb0rigmus 8/20/2014
UGR test stony 8/19/2014
Gruul Tapout aalistor 8/19/2014
awkward friends aalistor 8/19/2014
Moneys Fly927 8/18/2014
jund control aalistor 8/18/2014
lotleth Monster evoke11 8/15/2014
Gruul Super Monsters moose102 8/15/2014
Xenagos, God of Revels Ethan Lampe 8/15/2014
Jund 8-13 fatsuno 8/13/2014
Jund Monsters! Redux BlueBoy 8/11/2014
Naya Walkers Raeloun 8/10/2014
Progenitus 5c walkers s0nic 8/10/2014
Jund Superfriends CaptainLavender (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 7/28/14 8/10/2014
Hazezon Tokens dsblink182 8/9/2014
Jund Superfriends arendal 8/9/2014
Rith EDH price check jfbastien018 8/8/2014
Jund Monsters! BlueBoy 8/8/2014
Jund Monsters BlueBoy 8/8/2014
Hour of Bloat comments? sillybommers 8/8/2014
Generator Gapak Alex 8/8/2014
Jund Midrange Richard Richey 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 8/2 3rd-4th 8/8/2014
Jund Superfriends Ryan Cox 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 8/2 5th-8th 8/8/2014
JundSuperFriend Keiichy 8/7/2014
Xenagos Nocturnus89 8/6/2014
JUND Walkers 4lter3go 8/5/2014
naya token time sillybommers 8/5/2014
JundWalkers lucasfqs 8/4/2014
Naya Superfriends aalistor 8/4/2014
Jund Midrange (KTK) Ethan Lampe 8/4/2014
Jund Superfriends Yuuki Ichikawa Pro Tour Magic 2015 5th-8th 8/4/2014
Jund Superfriends Pierre Mondon Pro Tour Magic 2015 3rd-4th 8/4/2014
Naya Aggro Patrick Cox Pro Tour Magic 2015 5th-8th 8/4/2014
Ichikawa PTM15 NRGBlast 8/3/2014
gruul devotion medleymr 8/2/2014
Cube073114 Stroodle 7/31/2014
Jund Superfriends Connor Bosela MaxPoint Platinum - Alter Reality Games - 7/27/14 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange William Pearson MaxPoint Silver - R and B Games - 7/19/14 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange Josh Cornwell MaxPoint Silver - R and B Games - 7/19/14 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange Zarek Wiley MaxPoint Silver - Galaxy Games - 7/19/14 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange Barry Smith 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 2nd 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange Matt Tierney 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Jund Midrange Stephen Hager 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 9th-16th 7/31/2014
Naya Midrange Kyle Peters 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 9th-16th 7/31/2014
Naya Tokens John Roberts, II 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 9th-16th 7/31/2014
Jund Standard Gibnus 7/31/2014
JUND Superfriends 4lter3go 7/30/2014
jund supervillians! michaelapollo 7/29/2014

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