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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 2130 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Budget(ish) Thromok Gruul Commander TheCrispyGremlin 3/1/2017
Doubling Tron Rhysiner 2/28/2017
Idiot's First EDH Deck TrustFundDavid 2/20/2017
Mina and Denn, Wildborn Sam625 2/2/2017
Animar , Soul of Elements King_BBB 1/30/2017
party god johnnymac1092 1/22/2017
buylist for cube taderickopp 1/21/2017
Omnath, Locus of Rage BolasSeek 1/21/2017
Sidar Kraum Diogucamara 1/9/2017
Primal Carnage Da Koopa King 1/5/2017
marath edh 2.0 Rifed1deadman 1/4/2017
Hate Seed Tokens! JGM 1/1/2017
R/G Xenagos Army Marc-Dragonclaw 12/28/2016
4 color tokens dakotah cotton 12/28/2016
Marath edh=) Rifed1deadman 12/22/2016
Planeswalker Justin Meneses 12/14/2016
Marath Test Emryst Starlord 12/14/2016
Mayael Giants Shanebob911 12/9/2016
Werewolf Company BlouMage 10/29/2016
Enchanting something 10/21/2016
Cube Raum_ 10/20/2016
Prossh, Gobbler of Tokens Zhane853 10/14/2016
GR buylist Opal Krooke 10/14/2016
RURIC THAAAAAAAAAAAR CaptainThrow 10/10/2016
PW buylist Opal Krooke 10/10/2016
RGW MIDRANGE Buttmilk 10/6/2016
Mana Genesis HyperNVs301 8/3/2016
Jeskai Prowless Master HyperNVs301 7/26/2016
Naya EDH nightblade47 7/21/2016
Doubling Planeswalkers Corbin Hosler 7/1/2016
RG Hero's blade elementalheroflamewingman 6/25/2016
Wolf Pack firebear 6/23/2016
Animar Primal Surge TimMcLaren 6/23/2016
Modern fun!! terrytheexpert 6/20/2016
GRWU Titan mvpxdefuse 6/11/2016
Maelstrom Chaos joshfred21 6/9/2016
Xenagos, God of Revels Migu 6/4/2016
men it is multicolored Madd 5/23/2016
collection Madd 5/22/2016
Naya Midrange bcphilli88 4/19/2016
Temur Dragons DragonMaster09 4/8/2016
EDH Marath v1.1 to_arm 4/5/2016
Prosh rifeddeadman 3/28/2016
Naya syntheticaprio 3/21/2016
Humans Appeal, Firemind HyperNVs301 3/19/2016
To an Chord! HyperNVs301 3/19/2016
Bring to Light j65536d MTGO Modern League (5-0): 3/14-3/20 3/16/2016
Hate Bear Master HyperNVs301 3/3/2016
Door of Dragon soullesskilla 2/14/2016
Omnath, Locus of Rage josh_ae 2/10/2016

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