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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 51 - 100 of 613 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo Robert Graves 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 1st 1/12/2015
Bant Death-Blade Marcus Perez 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 2nd 1/12/2015
Omni-Tell Eric English 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 3rd-4th 1/12/2015
Death and Taxes Jeff Dickens 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 3rd-4th 1/12/2015
Grixis Control Kevin Jones 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 5th-8th 1/12/2015
Jeskai Delver Lauren Nolen 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 5th-8th 1/12/2015
Jeskai Stone-Blade Joe Bernal 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 5th-8th 1/12/2015
Ad Nauseam Tendrils Benjamin Ball 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 5th-8th 1/12/2015
The Epic Storm Jacob Redfern 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Monoblack Pox Kurtis Frazier 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Lands Hayden Brass 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
UR Delver Nathaniel Snyder 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Jeskai Stone-Blade Nick Cowden 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Sultai Delver John Wiley 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Jeskai Stone-Blade William Wingler 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
Tin Fins Robert Cremeans 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Columbus - 1/4 9th-16th 1/12/2015
grixis pwnz0r king 1/11/2015
t16 pox $$ estimate fireblade1357 1/11/2015
Suicidal Turn 1 Win Deck FieryArtificer 1/10/2015
Threshold Storm Arty Gen 1/10/2015
Randomjund the_natural1 1/9/2015
UR blast delver aalistor 1/9/2015
Jeskai Defector see notes aalistor 1/9/2015
dfgfdghgh mountain goat 1/8/2015
W/g Death and Taxes 01-15 Frenadol 1/7/2015
Eggs WardenofWisdom 1/7/2015
Ascendancy schafeman11 1/7/2015
Dredge Isaac1408 1/7/2015
New zombies robocop642 1/6/2015
Angel of Death xsharkattackx 1/6/2015
Alesha SSAASS 1/6/2015
White Ramp Tokens xovan 1/6/2015
Tiny Thalia cryfreedom37 1/5/2015
Titania Fun WeWillFall 1/5/2015
False Cure Combo szrap 1/5/2015
sk Flop 1/4/2015
Shardless Vengevines Sjonas 1/4/2015
Delvah caboose249 1/4/2015
Jund Rabble Trankalinos 1/3/2015
Beast in the sky gerald 1/2/2015
Gravecrawler combo simonriley 1/2/2015
UW Thopterforge Frenadol 12/31/2014
madness pauper UR LordIvel 12/31/2014
Esper Mini-Mander ejikazuma 12/31/2014
Green and Taxes schafeman11 12/30/2014
cloudy with a DRAGONSTORM ablindorph4n 12/30/2014
Dragonstorm (2015) Trankalinos 12/30/2014
4 horseman thefatcreature 12/29/2014
Bomber man guitarmuzick87 12/28/2014
U/R Delver lifeisgood765 12/27/2014

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