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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 1551 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
blue JTW! 7/31/2010
Goblinz jdacheifs0 7/31/2010
Jace's Erasure(Budget) jessybrenen 7/31/2010
UB Bounce Discard randhat 7/31/2010
March of the Enchantments Chipsinabox 7/31/2010
MoM (new to legacy help) fireblade1357 7/31/2010
Belcher sacrilegious 7/31/2010
Legacy goblins sacrilegious 7/31/2010
Zoo sacrilegious 7/31/2010
Counter-Top Thopter sacrilegious 7/31/2010
Elves snailien 7/31/2010
Ninjas Rakos 7/31/2010
Millicious Replication jessybrenen 7/31/2010
Naya Stomp Awesometon 7/31/2010
G Eldrazi Mnemic90 7/30/2010
Elf-drazi asmith1243 7/30/2010
Aria jbishow 7/30/2010
Casual Soldiers Gero 7/30/2010
Opposing Food Chain DeadLions 7/30/2010
Chunk o' green Istillduno 7/30/2010
dredge killstars 7/30/2010
ubr fae killstars 7/30/2010
Dust Cloak Palochka 7/30/2010
Merfolk sacrilegious 7/30/2010
RDW sacrilegious 7/30/2010
Mana Lock k2thej 7/30/2010
Merfolk Rampage p1nkzz 7/30/2010
Pauper airbreaker 7/30/2010
white/green judgement fevs 7/29/2010
adh deck bdec415 7/29/2010
elf deck bdec415 7/29/2010
brood mother deck bdec415 7/29/2010
black death nudes 7/29/2010
Spawn Dragonrender oddioguy45 7/29/2010
Casual - Fable of Wolf an Maniacmadmax 7/29/2010
Land D Chisstabol 7/29/2010
TES Jsmith77 7/29/2010
Psychatop trace90 7/29/2010
Crazyturbodredge Oceansoul 7/29/2010
Treva in a Bant Sunscape Masta_J 7/29/2010
Zerg Rush catdaddylol1 7/29/2010
Zombies LaminatedDuck 7/29/2010
Angels Splinterkev 7/28/2010
Sacrificial Altar kwaanzabot 7/28/2010
Dreadstill zoomaster 7/28/2010
Storm (comments wanted) kdebo 7/28/2010
Elves ibano0685 7/28/2010
Casual Boros Gero 7/28/2010
Selesnya stuff lorescale 7/28/2010
Dredge Belimos 7/28/2010

Core Value 3

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