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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 101 - 150 of 1551 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
CHANDRA skalvador 12/8/2010
Silly Combo xD channelblaze 12/8/2010
sadasd lordsidro 12/8/2010
Devour Storm Derekfurreal 12/7/2010
angel brbranham 12/7/2010
BW Sanguine Bond Casual Etwas 12/7/2010
GWB destruction Major Science 12/7/2010
Death Cloud 2 Jabari31 12/7/2010
Bruiser atarinaper 12/6/2010
elves combo fonzie89 12/6/2010
Soul Sisters tweeked 12/6/2010
Buyback mill noobseason 12/6/2010
Rob iloveasians101 12/5/2010
stuffy doll rainlemming 12/5/2010
Mono White Lifegain greenday3503 12/5/2010
Near-Death Experience SeedSnatcher 12/5/2010
Angels 08merlin527 12/5/2010
Sacrifice G/B CavemanDan 12/4/2010
half egg bager 12/4/2010
slivers darkangel1995 12/4/2010
Another discard Hyou 12/4/2010
Red & Green kkyash 12/4/2010
GB Aggro JGannon 12/4/2010
Pauper elves channelblaze 12/3/2010
burn elitz 12/3/2010
Dragon Uprising Cityofnoobs 12/2/2010
Cephalid Breakfast tweeked 12/2/2010
5 color Sliver Lostsoul 12/1/2010
Blue Aggro RubbishyUser 12/1/2010
Auras davidw3 12/1/2010
Fires Grunge 12/1/2010
RWB stuff yahwa 12/1/2010
Dragon Arch dragons CavemanDan 11/30/2010
Deck735228 kitty 11/30/2010
Dwarf EDH Vorvadoss 11/30/2010
U control/combo diabl0 11/30/2010
valakut hunt kuschel 11/30/2010
That's All Merfolks fmultimedia 11/30/2010
I Have an Affinity for MrLostCoz 11/30/2010
Black and Bruizer bruteakbar 11/30/2010
s1.0 kiwgil 11/30/2010
RWBfiremane help GiBis4u 11/29/2010
red farfie105 11/29/2010
swampwalk smash zombies Corey 11/29/2010
Zombie Pollution remfan1988 11/29/2010
Ghost Dad (Need Comments) Mesmerizer101 11/28/2010
Br Denial eldarock 11/28/2010
BR Dragonstorm Trankalinos 11/28/2010
Thopter Combo Trankalinos 11/27/2010
pajaritos:D jhlive 11/26/2010

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