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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 1092 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mono Red Dragons JBush024 1/22/2014
Unholy Clerics bender624 1/17/2014
Bing Bang Theory Narcir 1/14/2014
Kemba Commander (reduced) p1nkzz 1/12/2014
True Control Deck noobie009 1/5/2014
Army Of Darkness Narcir 12/26/2013
White flyer VisChaos 12/26/2013
Pauper Fling Snake2557 11/24/2013
Artifact Madness elbon27 11/11/2013
Izzet Aggro? mister fishman 11/11/2013
Demons smithco33 11/9/2013
u/w budget control Synthesis14 11/7/2013
Dragons Koth Less mister fishman 11/7/2013
buy elbon27 11/3/2013
Saproling Explosion elbon27 11/3/2013
Pauper RG land deanthomas333 11/2/2013
Pauper RUB Zombies deanthomas333 10/27/2013
BW Popganda Floppsy 10/18/2013
Undying Winterbart 10/17/2013
Zombinos karlsefni 10/17/2013
Rozjebka Dmc1212 10/10/2013
Goblins Meggido30 10/7/2013
White Aggro Meggido30 10/7/2013
Graverobber Meggido30 10/7/2013
lands axuary 10/6/2013
Goats mister fishman 10/6/2013
Stuffy Doll enom 10/6/2013
Cards I need panface 10/6/2013
Goats? mister fishman 10/6/2013
Onmi-Tell wrwarwick 10/5/2013
JACE Velvet Steel 10/5/2013
Mono Red Goblin SojuL 10/4/2013
R/B Not so budget dragons cgreenmagic 10/4/2013
Artifacts Meggido30 10/4/2013
Zombies Meggido30 10/4/2013
Hermit Deck lorkac 10/4/2013
Jack Synthesis14 10/3/2013
UGW Angels cgreenmagic 10/3/2013
merfolk generalraam910 10/3/2013
triskel v4 yahwa 10/3/2013
Duo Blue/Black Control SojuL 10/2/2013
Belcher mazerin 10/1/2013
Kitchen Frog wonderdog 9/30/2013
Rise of the Horde Hawkeye437 9/30/2013
go green theruister 9/29/2013
Cifka Eggs gatherto 9/28/2013
Infect ISD Sheepmage2000 9/27/2013
Clerics pflaster 9/27/2013
Angels cgreenmagic 9/27/2013
RB howling dreams DrHopskotchins 9/26/2013

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