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Search Results for Legacy Magic Decks

Viewing 1301 - 1350 of 1375 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Myr sagan10955 4/9/2011
Red/Green haste Bomasterflex 4/7/2011
helm black-er-lotus 4/7/2011
Nice n Big n Blue n Metal Robot Screams 4/4/2011
crab ally mill mindfuneral 4/4/2011
No Tree Affinity darkdan7 4/3/2011
Myrpost wraith 4/3/2011
T1.5 Suicide Black Zeke_D 4/2/2011
Zoombie #2 kostek8 3/31/2011
Sparking Elemental (WIP) DirtyHippie 3/31/2011
Dragon Stompy goldsmith 3/24/2011
Searing Meditations lexington 3/23/2011
Sproutings of Hate Seed dkramer 3/22/2011
ramp it red leejay bresett 3/20/2011
RWB Handruption goldsmith 3/17/2011
All-Common filioo 3/9/2011
Goblin-Burn CavemanDan 3/9/2011
Rogues of Death Psylossus 3/8/2011
Elves iruel14 3/6/2011
Pox p. rex 3/6/2011
Lovely Platypuss spartaok13 3/5/2011
U/w Landstill pepitosegrilla 3/3/2011
Glimpse of Etherium Gorbechov 2/23/2011
L'Ouseaux Magus Jr 2/21/2011
Myr Edgejeripunk 2/19/2011
Band Exalted siosonf 2/19/2011
Martyr Post siosonf 2/17/2011
Black White Clerics allen1021 2/15/2011
Relentless Rats AipomTamer 2/13/2011
Creature-less (kinda) bchamness6 2/11/2011
White Control Comment superwill 2/8/2011
smallpox rec3xs 2/2/2011
Reanimatronics Magus Jr 2/1/2011
UW Blink Control Zephrim 1/28/2011
countertopter KasumiFox 1/16/2011
Budget Affinity nabbydian 1/15/2011
Token Beatdown phantomseige 1/11/2011
can you say control? riteofflame 1/8/2011
pyro time Mikey 1/6/2011
5 Color Doran laxsr2k6 12/27/2010
Legacy Burn slapshot579 12/19/2010
unblockable poyx 12/18/2010
Welder Mecha Eladamri 12/10/2010
Aluren Jabari31 12/6/2010
Persist This 2 oddioguy45 12/3/2010
Mill/commendeer keeganknorr 11/15/2010
sligh lostsheep8180 11/14/2010
Denial (comments welcome) roguegook 11/13/2010
T1.5 Tim Terror Zeke_D 10/30/2010
Wizards of the Toast Fictionarious 10/28/2010

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