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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 1801 - 1850 of 2291 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
W/U Nope! my name 11/3/2015
Splinter Breach aalistor 11/3/2015
Breach Hulk 2 aalistor 11/3/2015
Elves Style SALOmandra 11/3/2015
Amulet Bloom Crashfiyero85 11/3/2015
Tooth and Nail Amulet Crashfiyero85 11/2/2015
Bogles Thiago Saporito 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Splinter Twin Gabriel Fehr 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Living End Guilherme Merjam 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
R/G Tron Diego Marquez 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Reliquary Retreat Caio Amaral 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 3rd-4th 11/2/2015
Naya Burn Alejandro Cesa 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 3rd-4th 11/2/2015
Naya Burn Vagner William Casatti 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 2nd 11/2/2015
Naya Collected Company Marcos Paulo de Jesus Freitas 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 1st 11/2/2015
Splinter Twin Roger William Landim 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Lantern Control Marcos Portugal 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Jund Matheus Daniel da Silveria 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Abzan Collected Company Walter Coquemala Filho 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Affinity Matias Rosas 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
U/G Infect Bruno Muller 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
treasure Hunt dogigy 11/2/2015
Jund Victor Fernando Silva 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Amulet Bloom Allison Nakazora Abe 2015 Grand Prix Porto Alegre - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
A new kind of reanimate 2 dudeface 11/2/2015
A new kind of reanimate dudeface 11/2/2015
Breach Hulk aalistor 11/2/2015
UW Lands BFZ aalistor 11/2/2015
R/G Aggro Wesley Blanchard 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 1st 11/2/2015
R/W Burn William Hawk 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 2nd 11/2/2015
Naya Aggro Steven Long 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 3rd-4th 11/2/2015
R/G Tron Ray Montes 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 3rd-4th 11/2/2015
U/G Infect Jon DeBruin 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Amulet Bloom Mason Young 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
B/G Elves Richard Drummer 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Abzan Midrange Jon Westburg 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Naya Burn Lucas Kiefer 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Naya Collected Company Drew Iafrate 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Bogles Lawson Zandi 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Hulk Footsteps Justin Maguire 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Affinity Jacob White 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Naya Burn Chase McLeod 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Scapeshift Sam Berkenbile 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
Merfolk Anthony Ho 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 9th-16th 11/2/2015
4 color allies Nocturnus89 11/2/2015
abzan allies Nocturnus89 11/1/2015
Abzan Company fwkometsbv 11/1/2015
Zoo 2.0 Crashfiyero85 11/1/2015
Bogle Crashfiyero85 11/1/2015
Tooth and Nail Crashfiyero85 11/1/2015
Zoo Crashfiyero85 10/31/2015

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