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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 851 - 900 of 1043 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Abzan Midrange Kevin Vanevery 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 2nd 1/27/2015
Domain Zoo Pat Cox 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 3rd-4th 1/27/2015
Pyromancer Ascension Stan Smith 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 3rd-4th 1/27/2015
RG Tron Brad Carpenter 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 5th-8th 1/27/2015
Pyromancer Ascension Joshua Everly 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 5th-8th 1/27/2015
Jund Karl Delatorre 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 5th-8th 1/27/2015
Affinity Lance Hartbarger 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 5th-8th 1/27/2015
RW Burn Gary Nunes 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
UW Merfolk Cristo Yanez 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Jeskai Midrange Timothy Taylor 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Abzan Midrange Oscar Sardinas 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Temur Twin Allen Norman 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Scapeshift Jonathan Goldman 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Abzan Midrange Chad Kastel 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Naya Aggro Eli Loveman 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Washington - 1/25 9th-16th 1/27/2015
Yung Tasigur Yeshua 1/27/2015
Mardu Control wammy 1/27/2015
Budget Bolas Control vlazuvius 1/27/2015
4cc FRF aalistor 1/27/2015
Junk Everydeck aalistor 1/27/2015
Mardu Control FRF aalistor 1/27/2015
Jund laineithman 1/27/2015
Soldier Token Gabouruk 1/26/2015
TrinketsOdds&Ends glueee 1/26/2015
BUG Control Yeshua 1/26/2015
W/R Prison Nadrian 1/26/2015
Tribal Zoo bowvamp 1/26/2015
Storm Mr Kuehl 1/26/2015
Alesha Jund aalistor 1/26/2015
Scepter of Secrets FRF aalistor 1/26/2015
Grave XScorpion 1/26/2015
UB Delver (unfinished) XScorpion 1/26/2015
Mono Black Devo amcburgerman 1/26/2015
4c Gifts mrmonkey238 1/26/2015
Modern-Dredge trsblur 1/26/2015
Mardu Tokens wammy 1/25/2015
Mono-Black Vampires fatal_jmj 1/25/2015
Gobs for Glory LupineShadow 1/25/2015
Abzan Fatties surgeslayer 1/25/2015
UWR Mentor smt 1/25/2015
Ugin Tron arcticfox2012 1/25/2015
Pyromancer Loam Yeshua 1/24/2015
Mono Green Stompy bz0b 1/24/2015
waste not amaxwell123 1/23/2015
Dredge Core Gravner 1/23/2015
Geist of Saint Tokens Ben Dienes 1/23/2015
R/U Aggro Epicphatkid 1/23/2015
Infect reddawn7 1/22/2015
UWR Control Yeshua 1/22/2015
Espereon Terzian 1/22/2015

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