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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 1301 - 1350 of 1377 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UWB Spirits leonbread 6/4/2013
Bogled Enchantments ssantos1105 6/1/2013
land g0m3s 5/23/2013
Bogled Enchantments Stoomboot MTGO Modern Premier - 5/13/13 5th-8th 5/19/2013
Detain at flight vanman 5/19/2013
UWR Twin TheTwinja 5/16/2013
Bogled Enchantments Baxiel 5/16/2013
Bogled Enchantments Stoomboot (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/6/13 5/14/2013
Rainbow Slivers barnetsox 5/11/2013
Shock and Awe Yuu Inohara 5/10/2013
Bogled Enchantments wartynewt 5/10/2013
Bogled Enchantments Melissa DeTora 5/10/2013
Junk Tokens DemonDactyl 5/3/2013
Illusions mattyc4065 4/20/2013
Balance Stazee 4/19/2013
Milling Zombies vanman 4/18/2013
Black/Blue Mill mister fishman 4/18/2013
Boros balboa 4/16/2013
gruul smash gary busey 4/7/2013
Life-Detain Bounce stevchenko 4/4/2013
Budget Soul Sisters tftpok 4/4/2013
Liquimetal Phoenix kasers 3/26/2013
modern Fritka LuckyLoser 3/25/2013
USA Midrange d37yu 3/20/2013
American Midrange Alerionzor 3/17/2013
RUG Vial bhamrick (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/4/13 3/13/2013
Graveyard fundudeman 2/8/2013
Burn Selbah 2/7/2013
Bant Auras - Modern nshandy56 2/4/2013
Infect 2 barnetsox 2/4/2013
B/R Vampires w/ Noble Brometheus 2/2/2013
Cheaper Pox JotaKaziel 1/30/2013
American Midrange winston123483 1/21/2013
UWR Midrange blindghost 1/14/2013
Warrior Elves Mirouni 12/20/2012
life Beta 12/19/2012
Grixis Hybrid Chromatone 12/18/2012
Cruel Control Chromatone 12/10/2012
Elves Mirouni 12/4/2012
Devoted Quill messup aN1x 11/17/2012
Kalisi the_8th 11/13/2012
(BW) Exalted Keybladesman 11/1/2012
Spirit Jund tartashark 10/27/2012
R/U Affinity CannibalChris 10/9/2012
Modern UR Delver Hombrino 10/4/2012
Modern Gruul Hombrino 9/22/2012
soulbond sushirollss 9/3/2012
Landfall mattyc4065 8/25/2012
Eldrazi mattyc4065 8/25/2012
Artifacts mattyc4065 8/25/2012

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