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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 919 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
White Weenie Saúl Aguado 2009 Nationals: Spain 3rd-4th 7/20/2009
White Weenie Carlos De Arco 2009 Nationals: Panama 5th-8th 7/20/2009
Elves! Eric Espino 2009 Nationals: Panama 5th-8th 7/20/2009
Faeries Alvaro Nicosia 2009 Nationals: Panama 5th-8th 7/20/2009
Doran Rock Juan Miguel Evans 2009 Nationals: Panama 5th-8th 7/20/2009
Reveillark Joe Carvajal 2009 Nationals: Panama 3rd-4th 7/20/2009
Jund Nikola Mislov 2009 Nationals: Panama 3rd-4th 7/20/2009
G/W Aggro Adolfo Berrios 2009 Nationals: Panama 2nd 7/20/2009
Elementals Saul Alvarado 2009 Nationals: Panama 1st 7/20/2009
Green Mono Aggro Wolfetoken 6/10/2009
elf style basstienbass 6/7/2009
Outlandish rustymachete 5/30/2009
Kithkin Beatdown thepotter420 5/29/2009
Grixxis Shambling Mod Sp`ange 5/15/2009
U/W Merfolk styrone11 5/8/2009
W/B/G Treefolk styrone11 5/8/2009
Simple Esper Mogg_Fanatic 5/2/2009
Vengeant Weenie César Barrios 2009 National Qualifier: Santa Marta, Colombia 2nd 4/28/2009
Ziggurat.dec Pablo Hincapié 2009 National Qualifier: Santa Marta, Colombia 1st 4/28/2009
Elves Vicente Macrina 2009 National Qualifier: Cordoba, Argentina 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
Boat Brew Horacio Jiménez Vera 2009 National Qualifier: Cordoba, Argentina 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
Boat Brew Patricio Rodriguez 2009 National Qualifier: Cordoba, Argentina 2nd 4/28/2009
Rogue Pablo Cufré 2009 National Qualifier: Cordoba, Argentina 1st 4/28/2009
Boat Brew Bi-O Park 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 5th-8th 4/28/2009
Cruel Control Hee-jae Choi 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 5th-8th 4/28/2009
Cruel Control Min-Soo Kim 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 5th-8th 4/28/2009
Elves Yeon Hae 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 5th-8th 4/28/2009
Faeries Il soo Lee 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
Vengeant Weenie Il Lim 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
Reveillark Dong-Hee Han 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 2nd 4/28/2009
Faeries Hojae Han 2009 City Champ Trial: Seoul, Korea 1st 4/28/2009
Planeswalkers Mike Klein 2009 GPT Barcelona - Berlin, Germany 2nd 4/28/2009
Mana Ramp Mitja Nikolaus 2009 GPT Barcelona - Berlin, Germany 1st 4/28/2009
Bant Aggro Unknown 2009-04-19 Local Bishan, Singapore 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
Faeries Wong Wei Quan 2009-04-19 Local Bishan, Singapore 3rd-4th 4/28/2009
B/W Aggro Alvin Lim 2009-04-19 Local Bishan, Singapore 2nd 4/28/2009
Swans Eng Chu Heng 2009-04-19 Local Bishan, Singapore 1st 4/28/2009
Elves Artem Finkelshtein 2009 National Qualifier: Bila Zerkva, Ukraine 3rd-4th 4/27/2009
Vengeant Weenie Alexander Ostrouhov 2009 National Qualifier: Bila Zerkva, Ukraine 3rd-4th 4/27/2009
B/W Aggro Sergey Sushalsky 2009 National Qualifier: Bila Zerkva, Ukraine 2nd 4/27/2009
Swans Nick Samosvatov 2009 National Qualifier: Bila Zerkva, Ukraine 1st 4/27/2009
Ziggurat.dec Alexander Griesse 2009 National Qualifier: Buenos Saarbrücken, Germ 3rd-4th 4/27/2009
Faeries Hannu Sparwald 2009 National Qualifier: Buenos Saarbrücken, Germ 3rd-4th 4/27/2009
Boat Brew Alexander Rosenberger 2009 National Qualifier: Buenos Saarbrücken, Germ 2nd 4/27/2009
Ziggurat.dec Xhemil Baruti 2009 National Qualifier: Buenos Saarbrücken, Germ 1st 4/27/2009
Five color control mogo222 4/26/2009
cruel control jboggie1990 4/24/2009
Boat Brew Richard Rozman 2009 National Qualifier: Trnava, Slovakia 5th-8th 4/24/2009
Swans Filip Drobny 2009 National Qualifier: Trnava, Slovakia 5th-8th 4/24/2009
Elves Patrik Surab 2009 National Qualifier: Trnava, Slovakia 5th-8th 4/24/2009

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