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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 540 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
U/B Emrakul Ali Aintrazi 7/29/2016
Nahiri Jeskai SWINGFORLETHAL 7/29/2016
Box auburnftw 7/28/2016
Zada, Hedron Grinder ElfSun 7/28/2016
BG Delirium SadPanda187 7/28/2016
Esper Process teast 7/28/2016
UR Prowess2 billyd107 7/28/2016
Murica nerdyQWERTY 7/28/2016
GB Delirium billyd107 7/28/2016
EMN Gruul Aggro NP-complete 7/28/2016
Mono Black Eldrazi sjgreybar 7/28/2016
R/W tokens Nate9837 7/28/2016
W/G Ramp Eisuke Honda 7/28/2016
Bant Spirit Company Duodax 7/28/2016
B/G Delirium Bluejay216 7/28/2016
Mono-Green Eldrazi Issei Habata 7/28/2016
U/R Prowess Hirohisa Suenaga 7/28/2016
U/R Reveler Shouhei Kanbe 7/28/2016
U/R Madness Yoshio Miyake 7/28/2016
W/B Madness Takumi Masuda 7/28/2016
B/R Vampires Yasunori Kodera 7/28/2016
U/B Zombies Yuuta Takahashi 7/28/2016
Four-Color Deploy the Gatewatch Takashi Yamauchi 7/28/2016
Vamps! estuey 7/27/2016
EMN RG Aggro NP-complete 7/27/2016
Mono Red Agro Nate9837 7/27/2016
U/W Enchantments Nate9837 7/27/2016
Bant midrange Nate9837 7/27/2016
4C Walkers Nate9837 7/27/2016
Jeskai Walkers Nate9837 7/27/2016
Mardu Control Nate9837 7/27/2016
fogle bant terrytheexpert 7/27/2016
HANWEIR DA ELDRAZI AT?! Conley Woods 7/27/2016
Golgari Delirium pjkraker 7/27/2016
U/W Russian Countrol AlexeySemka 7/27/2016
Bant Spirits jgraum 7/26/2016
BR Vampires Standard Anor 7/26/2016
R/G mirrowwing Scrubtron 7/26/2016
U/G emerge Scrubtron 7/26/2016
U/R Spells billybobjones 7/26/2016
GB Emerge CHA! 7/26/2016
harmless pact sammy sliver 7/26/2016
Temur Emerge Ali Aintrazi 7/26/2016
Simic Emerge Ali Aintrazi 7/26/2016
Simic Ramp Ali Aintrazi 7/26/2016
Sultai Zombies Ali Aintrazi 7/26/2016
Lone warriors BlackBonfire 7/25/2016
wr aggro anthonizzz 7/25/2016
UW Spirits pjkraker 7/25/2016
GB Rites NP-complete 7/25/2016

Core Value 4

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