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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 533 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
MirBC Zombies Eugene Kolinko 7/23/2004
Speed Green/White psionicswallow 7/23/2004
Slide/Witness James Cruz 7/22/2004
tick, tick, kaboom! blue snapper 7/22/2004
Omega Red WigginBoy 7/22/2004
kittins parrallelblue 7/21/2004
Mono Goblins ZaxeHammer 7/21/2004
All common Black tonto 7/20/2004
BIG RED WigginBoy 7/20/2004
obliterate/march DemonMage 7/19/2004
Shadey avatarmajic 7/18/2004
Goblin Bidding Plunge DarkSoul742 7/18/2004
Dead Draw Revolver Phil Smith 7/18/2004
Burn Rubber Phil Smith 7/18/2004
Morphs Anonymous Sylvain Lauriol 2004 French Nationals 5th-8th 7/18/2004
Affinity Mathias Veron 2004 French Nationals 5th-8th 7/18/2004
Land Destruction Gabriel Nassif 2004 French Nationals 2nd 7/18/2004
Goblin Bidding Olivier Ruel 2004 French Nationals 1st 7/18/2004
March of the Machines Farid Meraghni 2004 French Nationals 5th-8th 7/18/2004
Mono-Red Control Damien Reaubourg 2004 French Nationals 3rd-4th 7/18/2004
Goblin Bidding Alexandre Peset 2004 French Nationals 3rd-4th 7/18/2004
Crystal Witness Gomabuk 7/18/2004
rellentless assault telkarata 7/18/2004
Tribal Insect v.4 Omnipotent One 7/17/2004
R/U March Cabal minion 7/17/2004
U/G Shard Control Cabal minion 7/17/2004
Golem Affinity boardburtonvt 7/17/2004
Tooth and Nail boardburtonvt 7/17/2004
U/G crystal control fumpy 7/17/2004
Dawn of Ironworks themastersean 7/16/2004
Platinum tonto 7/16/2004
Red Blitz jawsjr2 7/16/2004
GB Cemetery Budget Eugene Kolinko 7/15/2004
GB Cemetery Eugene Kolinko 7/15/2004
Door Wide Open parrallelblue 7/15/2004
Mind’s Desire on Krark 2 Sean Houtsinger 7/15/2004
New Affinity themastersean 7/15/2004
Tooth and Nail Vladsky 7/15/2004
G/W Slide Zvi Mowshowitz 7/14/2004
Affinity Test #2 heathisler 7/14/2004
Affinity Test #1 heathisler 7/14/2004
Mycosynth Affinity Vincent Lovaglio 7/13/2004
G/W Eternal Slide Fox13 7/13/2004
Wooping Stick avatarmajic 7/13/2004
ponZa Fox13 7/13/2004
Teh Dollar Store teknobunny 7/13/2004
G/W slide revised infernal assasin 7/13/2004
Ravager Affinity Lovro Gasparac 2004 Croatian Nationals 5th-8th 7/12/2004
Ravager Affinity Andrija Mudnic 2004 Croatian Nationals 5th-8th 7/12/2004
Ravager Affinity Filip Popovic 2004 Croatian Nationals 5th-8th 7/12/2004

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