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Search Results for Standard Magic Decks

Viewing 51 - 100 of 5716 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Red Elementals v3 nizamz 3/5/2010
R/G hasty deckcreator607 3/4/2010
ziggurat aggro jordman 3/4/2010
Angels & Allies WonderBoy1020 3/2/2010
Touched By An Angel bige91 3/2/2010
BOROS!!! P4STYz 3/2/2010
Sanguine bond/Help please puppetmaster 3/2/2010
The Five Colors 2.0 doomdude1234 2/28/2010
123 feolit 2/28/2010
olol feolit 2/28/2010
5cc jordman 2/28/2010
power house ace117 2/28/2010
Bant Exalted Kerrickk 2/27/2010
white weenie kingbaumer 2/26/2010
price check fishlipz 2/26/2010
Where Timmy Treads gecka 2/26/2010
Artifact V.3 Mattycus 2/25/2010
4c control jordman 2/25/2010
4c aggro jordman 2/25/2010
Mono white cheap soldiers Mattycus 2/25/2010
Oros Control Captain Napalm 2/25/2010
Gobby beatdown nizamz 2/25/2010
Esper Traps Unigven 2/25/2010
Valakut Ramp Doctoroftime 2/24/2010
Boros Bushwhacker redfox045 2/23/2010
spread 'em V.2 pod 2/23/2010
Vess pod 2/22/2010
naya AIJEC 2/21/2010
naya lightsaber jacobthewolf 2/21/2010
Brave Saiano 2/20/2010
Hungry hungry goblins manahead 2/20/2010
MonoBlack Crypt Bocks 2/20/2010
Testing exalted bantv1.6 agms0805 2/20/2010
GW wolfangel Mattycus 2/20/2010
Revamped BU Artifact Mattycus 2/20/2010
Bant jluttrull 2/19/2010
RED BLUE CREAM swaniger21 2/19/2010
destroy targ art/ ench bs swaniger21 2/19/2010
Esper greendee 2/19/2010
Warping Val tiggerbozz 2/19/2010
Not entirely sure Mattycus 2/19/2010
boros bushwacker jacobthewolf 2/18/2010
Mono Red Elementals v 2.0 nizamz 2/18/2010
Miller Lite kjvploeg87 2/17/2010
testing ExaltedBant v1.5 agms0805 2/17/2010
Immortal Fate tiggerbozz 2/17/2010
Cascade: Input please! cilleysf 2/16/2010
Soldiers of the Sky boyson 2/16/2010
ouich swaniger21 2/16/2010
life gain snort522 2/15/2010

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