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Search Results for Vintage Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 140 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
soldier swift vengence 8/27/2004
Sliver swift vengence 8/27/2004
Burnsalot swift vengence 8/27/2004
monoblue avenbrigadier 8/26/2004
Flaming Goblins Skry 8/26/2004
Skry's Goblin Fun Skry 8/25/2004
shadow swift vengence 8/25/2004
Mass D Kicks Your Face In smud 8/17/2004
Animal Farm Russell Colosi Type 1 Tournament at GP NJ 3rd-4th 8/16/2004
4 Color Control Jon Smithlois Type 1 Tournament at GP NJ 1st 8/16/2004
control avenbrigadier 8/14/2004
Five-color Sliver kawphy 8/7/2004
Animal Farm Brian Cox Black Lotus Tournament 1st 8/3/2004
TurboNevyn Brian Cox 8/3/2004
Reanimator deadmantennis 7/24/2004
Casual Vampires wizardjs13 7/21/2004
Dragon Atle Hovednakk 7/19/2004
Germbus Rasmus Jensen 7/19/2004
Affinity Thomas Rosholm 7/19/2004
Germbus Brian Nielsen 7/19/2004
Germbus Kåre Ettrup 7/19/2004
Stax David Stenberg 7/19/2004
UR Control Rasmus Nielsen 7/19/2004
Stax Kenny Öberg 7/19/2004
Colorblind2 teknobunny 7/10/2004
Classic Irritation kinto 7/10/2004
Black/White Weenie Heal hynch 7/4/2004
Unspoliered Cannon Deck paolinoc 6/30/2004
coocoowelder Evilcrap 6/29/2004
Tog Discard Rock 6/26/2004
chaos badoodles 6/25/2004
Nick's Gay Tooth and Nail wizardjs13 6/24/2004
elf3 zanglebeaf 6/24/2004
Oshawa Stompy David Feinstein 6/23/2004
draw7 Ginai Doma 6/23/2004
SilentLikwid Likwid 6/16/2004
Power Chanting Scepter bassman4105 6/14/2004
Elves! bassman4105 6/14/2004
White Shutdown bassman4105 6/10/2004
Elageddon Deamonite 6/8/2004
Tourney Burn nitebane21 6/5/2004
CRAZED ABU JA'FAR ozzymoto13 6/4/2004
Su-Su-Suicide (Black) The Fist of Krosa 5/24/2004
morph vahn_cloudx 5/22/2004
Control Salvager Combo Ginai Doma 5/21/2004
Land Deck Wins Anthony Gillett 5/20/2004
White Power ozzymoto13 5/18/2004
Mafia ozzymoto13 5/18/2004
Belcher lunar 5/17/2004
Goblin Sligh lunar 5/17/2004

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