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Search Results for Magic Decks from MTGO

Viewing 1601 - 1650 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jund Midrange _Batutinha_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5352442 - 4/27/13 2nd 5/3/2013
American Midrange Sober_Jerry MTGO Standard Premier - 5352421 - 4/27/13 2nd 5/3/2013
RG Tron Dreamcrusher119 MTGO Modern Premier - 4/22/13 2nd 5/1/2013
Naya Midrange RaV_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5323491 - 4/21/13 2nd 4/30/2013
Jund Midrange JakeAlmighty MTGO Standard Premier - 5323468 - 4/21/13 2nd 4/30/2013
Gruul Aggro Silverwave528 MTGO Standard Premier - 5323418 - 4/20/13 2nd 4/29/2013
Prime Speaker Bant CLYDE THE GLIDE DREXLER MTGO Standard Premier - 5323439 - 4/20/13 2nd 4/29/2013
Junk Rites CharLy MTGO Standard PTQ - 4/22/13 2nd 4/29/2013
Ajani Jund Asmodeius MTGO Modern Premier - 4/15/13 2nd 4/22/2013
American Midrange _HollywoodHenderson_ MTGO Standard Premier - 5294102 - 4/14/13 2nd 4/22/2013
Junk Rites Molotov2k MTGO Standard Premier - 5294079 - 4/14/13 2nd 4/22/2013
Gruul Aggro OlleR MTGO Standard Premier - 5294050 - 4/13/13 2nd 4/22/2013
American Midrange brian e MTGO Standard Premier - 5294029 - 4/13/13 2nd 4/22/2013
American Midrange Grgapm MTGO Standard PTQ - 4/13/13 2nd 4/17/2013
Master Affinity _megafone_ MTGO Modern Premier - 4/8/13 2nd 4/15/2013
Gruul Aggro Farofa MTGO Standard Premier - 5264229 - 4/7/13 2nd 4/12/2013
Junk Rites Fix MTGO Standard Premier - 5264206 - 4/7/13 2nd 4/12/2013
Junk Rites Cantstoped MTGO Standard Premier - 5264177 - 4/6/13 2nd 4/12/2013
American Midrange MR_Thompson MTGO Standard Premier - 5264156 - 4/6/13 2nd 4/12/2013
The Aristocrats EdB MTGO Standard PTQ - 4/7/13 2nd 4/11/2013
American Control pyromaniac4290 MTGO Modern Premier - 4/6/13 2nd 4/10/2013
BUG Infect Drew_Deze MTGO Modern Premier - 4/1/13 2nd 4/10/2013
Junk Rites infamousvko MTGO Standard Premier - 5230683 - 3/31/13 2nd 4/3/2013
Junk Rites kuchinawa MTGO Standard Premier - 5230660 - 3/31/13 2nd 4/3/2013
Red Deck Wins elik981_1 MTGO Standard Premier - 5230631 - 3/30/13 2nd 4/3/2013
Gruul Aggro kazuyamishima MTGO Standard Premier - 5230610 - 3/30/13 2nd 4/3/2013
Junk Rites BBD MTGO Standard PTQ - 4/1/13 2nd 4/3/2013
Splinter Twin Toffel MTGO Modern Premier - 3/25/13 2nd 4/2/2013
Turbo Fog BReal2 MTGO Standard PTQ - 3/30/13 2nd 4/2/2013
Prime Speaker Bant _Mandarin MTGO Standard Premier - 5196423 - 3/24/13 2nd 3/29/2013
Human Reanimator rex51515 MTGO Standard Premier - 5196400 - 3/24/13 2nd 3/29/2013
Red Deck Wins BoNcO MTGO Standard Premier - 5196371 - 3/23/13 2nd 3/29/2013
Naya Humans xMiMx MTGO Standard Premier - 5196350 - 3/23/13 2nd 3/29/2013
Junk Rites amazingPhil MTGO Standard PTQ - 3/25/13 2nd 3/28/2013
BW Tokens Boin MTGO Modern Premier - 3/18/13 2nd 3/24/2013
Junk Rites Onin MTGO Standard Premier - 5163786 - 3/17/13 2nd 3/24/2013
Naya Midrange Yliajo MTGO Standard Premier - 5163757 - 3/16/13 2nd 3/24/2013
Junk Rites medvedev MTGO Standard Premier - 5163736 - 3/16/13 2nd 3/24/2013
Jund Midrange TinMan354 MTGO Standard Premier - 5163809 - 3/17/13 2nd 3/24/2013
Azorius Midrange sam51087 MTGO Modern PTQ - 3/16/13 2nd 3/22/2013
Splinter Twin Ofelia MTGO Modern PTQ - 3/11/13 2nd 3/19/2013
Jund bluedragon123 MTGO Modern Premier - 3/11/13 2nd 3/19/2013
Esper Control Lucindo MTGO Standard Premier - 5125470 - 3/10/13 2nd 3/15/2013
Naya Humans KarateKi24 MTGO Standard Premier - 5125447 - 3/10/13 2nd 3/15/2013
Naya Midrange HereticD2000 MTGO Standard Premier - 5125418 - 3/9/13 2nd 3/15/2013
BW Zombies snakez3 MTGO Standard Premier - 5125397 - 3/9/13 2nd 3/15/2013
Gruul Aggro pinpin59 MTGO Modern PTQ - 3/10/13 2nd 3/12/2013
Gruul Aggro MLinde007 MTGO Modern Premier - 3/4/13 2nd 3/12/2013
Junk Rites skulldeath MTGO Standard Premier - 3/4/13 2nd 3/12/2013
Gruul Aggro champstark MTGO Standard Premier - 5088647 - 3/2/13 2nd 3/7/2013

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