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Search Results for Magic Decks by Kob

Viewing 1 - 50 of 118 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
20 ways to Win: Ultimate Edition (Just the upgrades) Kobi wan Jinobi 12/10/2024
20 Ways to Win: Ultimate Edition Kobi wan Jinobi 12/10/2024
adult supervision NekoBlue 10/9/2020
divination blast NekoBlue 10/9/2020
divination blast NekoBlue 10/9/2020
pauper dredge jund NekoBlue 10/9/2020
the pauper cube list NekoBlue 9/15/2020
urza's time lock NekoBlue 8/27/2020
taking turns NekoBlue 8/24/2020
list NekoBlue 8/16/2020
list NekoBlue 8/16/2020
Pauper Cube NekoBlue 7/28/2020
pauper cube NekoBlue 7/28/2020
pauper cube NekoBlue 7/28/2020
r32 NekoBlue 7/26/2020
list NekoBlue 7/21/2020
pauper list NekoBlue 6/29/2020
Pauper zombies NekoBlue 6/29/2020
pauper elves NekoBlue 6/29/2020
Troll Kobywan 2/23/2020
Ad Nauseam kobayfare 1/22/2020
Zombies pioneer Yahkob 1/13/2020
Approach Esper MTG Kobold 12/9/2019
????? Esper Approach ????? MTG Kobold 12/8/2019
Maverick Drew Kobus SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Naya Feather Drew Kobus SCG Classic Standard - Richmond - 5/5/2019 5th-8th 5/6/2019
Hardened Scales Affinity Takahito Kobayashi MagicFest Yokohama 2019 1st 4/21/2019
Runaway Past "Gruul Storm 3.0" Jakob Addis 4/10/2019
Gruul Storm 2.0 Jakob Addis 4/2/2019
Gruul Storm Jakob Addis 4/2/2019
Miracles Tatsuumi Kobayasi Grand Prix Shizuoka 2018 - Legacy 9th-16th 12/3/2018
B/G Midrange Tomoya Kobayashi Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica 11/11/2018
R/W Angels jakobm MTGO Competitive Standard League: 10/11/18 10/12/2018
Humans Jakob Bergelin Grand Prix Stockholm 2018 17th-32nd 9/17/2018
Heartless Value Jakob Ensinger 3/29/2018
Mardu Tokens Tomoya Kobayashi Grand Prix Shizuoka 2017 9th-16th 3/20/2017
U/B Control Drew Kobus SCG Open Standard - Richmond - 01/29/17 17th-32nd 1/29/2017
Miracles Tatsuumi Kobayashi 2017 Grand Prix Louisville 17th-32nd 1/16/2017
Miracles Tatsuumi Kobayashi 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
W/U Flash Tetsuro Kobayashi 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
Bant Eldrazi Kobari Xiong SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 9th-16th 10/24/2016
Merfolk Kazutaka Kobayashi 2016 Grand Prix Guangzhou 8/28/2016
Burn Masanori Kobayashi 6/16/2016
Grixis Control Koby Keller 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - MT 5th-8th 6/3/2016
R/G Tron Kobey Myhre 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - WA 5th-8th 5/17/2016
Esper rally koboldmago 4/1/2016
Esper Eldrazi Aggro Yukihiro Shimokobe 2016 Super Sunday Series Championship 3rd-4th 1/25/2016
White Aggro jakobehrlich (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 12/14/15 1/7/2016
Esper Mentor Tomoya Kobayashi Oath of the Gatewatch RPTQ - Tokyo 3rd-4th 11/6/2015

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