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Search Results for Magic Decks by remfan1988

Viewing 1 - 50 of 138 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Gang of Shatter remfan1988 3/8/2014
Damia EDH remfan1988 12/25/2013
Roon remfan1988 11/5/2013
Arcanis EDH remfan1988 10/29/2013
The Manhattan Project remfan1988 10/7/2013
Manhattan Project remfan1988 10/2/2013
RUG Ramp Control remfan1988 10/2/2013
American Tokens remfan1988 10/2/2013
Trostani remfan1988 8/27/2013
Riku! remfan1988 8/25/2013
Chainer remfan1988 8/17/2013
Skull Briar EDH remfan1988 7/25/2013
Expensive Kaalia remfan1988 7/21/2013
Human eggs? remfan1988 3/26/2013
Esper midrange remfan1988 2/18/2013
Burning legion remfan1988 2/14/2013
Murica token control remfan1988 2/14/2013
U/B Control remfan1988 2/12/2013
Bant 4 Life remfan1988 2/11/2013
B/R Spellweaver remfan1988 1/25/2013
Aggro mill remfan1988 7/9/2012
Jabbed v2 remfan1988 5/18/2012
Jabbed remfan1988 5/18/2012
Gwafa Hazid EDH remfan1988 4/14/2012
jurassic park edh remfan1988 4/9/2012
Haakon Vengeance remfan1988 3/1/2012
Niv Mizzet remfan1988 2/16/2012
Teysa remfan1988 2/7/2012
Hellbent Goblins remfan1988 1/29/2012
Seizan EDH remfan1988 8/22/2011
Kuldotha remfan1988 8/18/2011
Edric likes to help. remfan1988 7/6/2011
Furnace Layer remfan1988 6/3/2011
Phy Mana remfan1988 6/3/2011
Mono Black Oona EDH remfan1988 6/2/2011
Blue Sun's remfan1988 6/1/2011
Knights of Norn remfan1988 5/31/2011
LOL Surprise, you're dead remfan1988 5/30/2011
NPH Soul Sisters remfan1988 5/25/2011
Turn 2 Infect remfan1988 5/24/2011
Gut You remfan1988 5/24/2011
Black Artisac remfan1988 5/24/2011
Crankchief remfan1988 5/24/2011
Lorthos and Prolif Test remfan1988 4/15/2011
Arti-Mill remfan1988 4/15/2011
Cawmaster remfan1988 4/15/2011
Grave Revelation remfan1988 4/8/2011
B/W tokens remfan1988 4/8/2011
Suffer the Past remfan1988 4/5/2011
BUG remfan1988 4/5/2011

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